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Family Homework Night Establishing Routines to Support Parent Involvement Kaitlyn Nykwest Homeless Children’s Education Fund 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Family Homework Night Establishing Routines to Support Parent Involvement Kaitlyn Nykwest Homeless Children’s Education Fund 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Family Homework Night Establishing Routines to Support Parent Involvement Kaitlyn Nykwest Homeless Children’s Education Fund 1

2 OUR MISSION To advance the education of children and youth experiencing homelessness in Allegheny County by: Providing educational programs and services Serving as a trusted advocate Sharing expertise Facilitating collaborative relationships that maximize the collective impact among community partners 2

3 Parent Involvement Family Engagement What do these terms mean to you? 3

4 Telling parents how they can contribute “Doing to” “Active Consumer” Parent Involvement Listening to what parents to develop a partnership “Doing with” “Active Participant” Family Engagement Terminology Miller, E. (2013, July 7). Family Involvement or Engagement? Ferlazzo, L. (2011, May 1). Involvement or Engagement? 4

5 Homeless Children’s Education Fund Parent Engagement Initiatives Established Clairton Collaborative School District & Housing Agency Partnership facilitated by HCEF Pittsburgh Public Schools Out-of-School Time Program Partnership In Development Housing Agency Based Parent Workshop Series @ Sojourner House MOMS Family Homework Night “Mom & Me” @ Women’s Center and Shelter Needs Assessment 5

6 Based in Research Miller, P. (2009). Educating Homeless Children in Allegheny County. More agency staffing and/or resources needed to allow them to get parents more actively engaged with homework and schooling. 83% of polled agency staff members Expressed the desire to be active advocates for their children's educational pursuits, but many faced significant barriers, including information shortages and poor communication with schools. Nearly all of the 139 parents interviewed 6

7 Clairton Collaborative From 2010-2012, the Homeless Children’s Education Fund facilitated parent engagement initiative in which staff from Clairton City Schools visited mothers at a local transitional housing program once a month to provide educational resources and support. Outcomes Parents and staff at both organizations reported greater success in meeting the students' educational needs. The school assumed responsibility for the funding and operating the initiative in 2013. 7

8 Family Snapshots Father and four children Two children have IEPs Mother with child entering the school’s gifted program and another son in HS 8

9 Current Initiatives & Goals 1) Gain knowledge about the education system and an awareness of opportunities available within school and community contexts. 2) Develop leadership, communication and skills and will apply them to real-world situations involving their children's education. 3) Gain self-confidence in order to sustain these practices once they leave the shelter. Family Homework Night Parent Workshops Everyday interactions 9

10 Family Homework Night Regular, Routine, Relevant Homework hour takes place during weekly parenting session Collaboration between housing agency staff, Afterschool Program Manager, Afterschool Instructor, parents & children. 10

11 Family Homework Night Weekly Family Homework Hour Parent & child homework/academic time Educators provide support and model effective strategies Parent & child engaged in literacy games and activities Routine amidst instability Model for routines upon finding stable housing / return to routines before housing instability 11

12 Afterschool staff, HCEF staff, literacy consultant, parents deliver a series of parent workshops at a local housing agency. Workshops take place in spring and fall during regularly scheduled parenting group. Workshops include: Group dialogue (hopes, challenges, personal successes) Information on communicating with schools and teachers (e.g. questions to ask during conferences) Grade level info guides (PTA Parent Guides for Student Success) Math & literacy games to play at home (FCRR & Playing Cards) 12

13 100% of parents surveyed found the following beneficial or very beneficial – Reflection & Group Discussion – Hands on literacy & math games – Resources and handouts “I was able to participate in the group conversation, and what I thought and felt mattered.” “Able to ask questions” “Made math fun” “I want to know more about the IEP” 13

14 In Development Expanded Parent Engagement Programming – Adaptable Housing Agency Needs Assessment – Community partner interactive dialogue – Interviews with agency staff and parents – Current needs & interest – Program focus 14

15 Challenges Families focused on meeting basic needs Busy family schedules Transportation Feeling overwhelmed 15

16 Successes Open dialogue with parents about goals for their children and themselves and barriers and challenges they face Sharing community resources with families Building better relationships with parents Enhancing collaborative relationship with housing agencies 16

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18 What will you take with you? 18

19 Contact Homeless Children’s Education Fund 2020 Smallman Street Pittsburgh, PA 15222 Kaitlyn Nykwest Afterschool & Enrichment Manager (412)562-0154 19

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