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Land administration started with a manual land tax collection and subsequently moved towards computerised system to improve the land information delivery.

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1 Land administration started with a manual land tax collection and subsequently moved towards computerised system to improve the land information delivery services especially for land administration government agency. This activity needs to identifying, creating, managing and up-dating the land parcels and associated rights in land administration activities. During development and practices of current land administration information system more too internal purpose; jurisdiction belong to the state authorities; the collaboration very low among different land administration field; create restrictions or limitation in using land administration information system; and the different of knowledge, experience level among staff. Based on that, this research identified the ILaISM as a new knowledge contribution to create sharing the current land administration information system among land administration government agency from different field and multi-government level. Spatial and Numerical Modelling Laboratory, Institute of Advance Technology (ITMA), Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia Tel : +603- 8946 6414 Email : Associate Professor Sr. Dr. Abdul Rashid bin Mohamed Shariff Associate Professor Sr. Dr. Ahmad Rodzi bin Mahmud Prof Datuk Dr. Nik Mohd Zain bin Nik Yusof Associate Professor Sr. Dr. Hishamuddin bin Mohd Ali Abd. Halim bin Hamzah Commercialization – Contact : Director Innovation and Commercialization Centre (ICC) Universiti Putra Malaysia 43400 UPM Serdang Selangor, Malaysia Tel : +603-8947 2055/ 2056/ 2057/ 2058 E-mail : Determine critical issues related on land administration information system especially Land Information Delivery Service Determine efficiency of data and information sharing among land administration government agency from multi- government level Design Integrated Land Administration Information System (ILaIS) model with spatial data infrastructure to improve the existing Land Information Delivery Services toward spatial enabled UNIQUENESS  Spatial Research Group & Spatial and Numerical Modelling Laboratory, Institute of Advance Technology (Universiti Putra Malaysia);  e-Tanah Project Team and Department of Director General of Land and Mines (Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Malaysia);  Department of Valuation and Property Services (Ministry of Finance, Malaysia);  Department of Federal Town and Country Planning (Ministry of Housing and Local Government, Malaysia); The ILaISM will be useful for land administrators or officer, land strategy management decision makers and multi-land researchers in land ownership, land use and land value fields The ILaISM could act as a guideline for the making and produce better policy, strategy and management for land information delivery services for multi-government country (federal, state and local) The ILaISM can support in complex commodities toward spatially enabled government, community and society Create data and information sharing related to the current land administration information system among land administration government agency from different field and multi-government level ILaISM Integrated Land Administration Information System Model OVERVIEW OBJECTIVE POTENTIAL Acknowledgements INTEGRATED LAND ADMINISTRATION INFORMATION SYSTEM MODEL (ILaISM) Land Information (Land Ownership) Land Information (Land Value) Land Information (Land Use) METHODOLOGY Capability Information System involve: fusing IS and business knowledge; a flexible and useable IT infrastructure; an effective use process Capability Information System involve: fusing IS and business knowledge; a flexible and useable IT infrastructure; an effective use process Legislations involve: current act related land administration field; intellectual property right, copy right and security; current fundamental dataset and technical standards) Legislations involve: current act related land administration field; intellectual property right, copy right and security; current fundamental dataset and technical standards) Cooperation and Steering Committee among federal, state and local/province government involve: data & information sharing; awareness mindset among inter and intra jurisdiction; collaboration & coordination integration; value-added; knowledge, education and experience; monitoring and evaluation Cooperation and Steering Committee among federal, state and local/province government involve: data & information sharing; awareness mindset among inter and intra jurisdiction; collaboration & coordination integration; value-added; knowledge, education and experience; monitoring and evaluation Spatially Enabled among government, community and society involve: manage cadastral function; authentic register; more people friendly; cover all areas of land; definitive legal authority; meaningful description of places Spatially Enabled among government, community and society involve: manage cadastral function; authentic register; more people friendly; cover all areas of land; definitive legal authority; meaningful description of places Land Administration Spatially Enabled Information System Spatial Data Infrastructure LITERATURE REVIEW RESEARCH PROBLEM Land Administration Information System Delivery Services Land Ownership Field Land Use Field Land Value Field Land Administration Government Agency from Multi-Government Level Land Ownership Field Land Use Field Land Value Field QUALITATIVE METHOD Interpretive with Ethnographic Approach Interview Formal and Informal Questionnaire Observation ANALYSIS Descriptive Statistic Likert Scale Analysis Integrated Land Administration Information System Model (ILaISM) Services Oriented Architecture RESULT

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