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Database technology Introduction ER Modeling Database objects (intro) SQL.

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1 Database technology Introduction ER Modeling Database objects (intro) SQL

2 Key DBMS issues: Efficiency issues: Databases can be very large. Efficient access must be provided despite size. Simplicity issues: Different kind of users have different demands on the DBMS. Simplicity and advanced possibilities must be available. Multi-user issues: Concurrency - Several users may have simultaneous access to the database. Access via views - Each user have access to a subset of the total database. Authorization - The access privileges of each user will be limited. Robustness issues: Deadlock must be avoided Recovery from crashes with a minimum loss of data.

3 Database objects Tables Views Data types Defaults Stored procedures Triggers Index.

4 Tables (Entity) Person Address Primary key Foreign key

5 Tables cont. To rows in the same table (entity) cannot have the same values they are separated by the Primary key. To connect to tables the primary key of a table has to match the Foreign key in another table. A key can be a single column (attribute) or a combination of to or more. A table shall follow the First normal form, this means that it shall not be possible to decompose an attribute further.

6 CREATE TABLE person PersonID INT PRIMARY KEY, Fname CHAR(20), Ename CHAR(20), Income SMALLMONEY, Adress INT INSERT [INTO] person(PersonID, Fname, Ename, Income, Address) VALUES (’7108118529’,’Åsa’,’Åström’,13000, 1) UPDATE Person SET Ename = ’Nilsson’ WHERE Ename = ’Åström’ DELETE [FROM] Person WHERE Fname = ’Åsa’ Structured Query Language

7 Integrity/Constraint 1. Entity Integrity - To rows in the table cannot have the same values 2. Domain Integrity - Control of data in a column i.e ”Null-control” 3. Referential Integrity - Secures that there are always a relation between a Primary key and a Foreign key CREATE TABLE … CREATE INTEGRITY (or CONSTRAINT for MS SQL-Server) ON Person IS PersonID > 0001010000 AND PersonID < (Date) * 10000 AND PersonID <> ’Null’; OBS! Missing values is stored as ’Null’ this is not the same as ’ZERO’

8 Views A view is just a functional image of one (or several!) database Structurally a view is identical with a query Functionally it persist in time it tracks the changes made in the database A view may itself be queried A view can be used to limit the access CREATE VIEW Contact SELECT Fname, Ename, Street, Streetno, Pcode, City FROM Person, Address WHERE AddressID.Address = Address.Person SELECT * FROM Contact

9 Stored Procedures & Triggers A Stored Procedure is... … a group of pre compiled SQL-commands stored on the server … often located in the Procedure Cache - This leads to great benefits in performance! A Trigger is… … a special kind of stored procedure activated by a pre defined action on the server

10 Database technology (2) MS SQL Server Optimizing Recovery Communication

11 MS SQL Server MS SQL Server...... Is a DBMS developed for Client/Server applications … is integrated with NT (Security, Performance Monitor, Event Viewer and Scheduling services) … includes replication possibility … permits central administration of several SQL Servers on a network, with graphical tools

12 Tools included in SQL Server ISQL/w SQL Service Manager SQL Security Manager SQL Enterprise Manager Performance Monitor BCP (Bulk Copy Program) SQL Server Books Online And more...

13 Architecture Master database Device Database ( includes Tables etc and a Transaction log) Transaction log

14 Master database The Master database… … is created during the installation of the SQL Server … includes information on all other databases on the server … includes information on which devices that are created … also includes information on the total system … is the most important database on the server. If this database disappears you will have to reinstall!

15 Device A Device is… … a physical file (an area on the disk) that can store databases, the transaction log and security copies of databases (filename.dat) … can store several databases (and a database can reach over several devices) … at least 1 MB, it can be increased but not decreased … created within the Enterprise Manager or by the DISK INIT command … can be one out of these treeDump device - Backup Tape dump device- Backup Database device- Active device You get higher performance if you choose fewer and bigger devices It is also easier from an administrators point of view

16 Database When creating a database… … you allocate space on one (or several) devices … there is automatically created a transaction log … you have to use the “sa” account … you will use the Enterprise Manager or the CREATE DATABASE command

17 Transaction log The transaction log... … takes notice about every activity in the database (insert, update, delete) … controls if a transaction has succeeded or not Place the transaction log in a separate device makes benefits Higher performance Separate backup on the transaction log How to empty a transaction log 1. DUMP TRANSACTION ´dbname´ WHITH NO LOG 2. Backup the database

18 Recovery routines Backup Hard- and Software problems User problems Theft, fire… Generally recommendations: - Backup the transaction log at least once a day - Backup the database at least once a week (this requires that the transaction log and the database is stored in different devices) - Note in which order devices etc are created and use the same order when restoring Mirroring instead of Backup Backup Server

19 Communication BCP - Bulk Copy Program Replication Mail/Exchange/NT integration ODBC - Open Database Connectivity Access Web technology Security

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