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Published byMarcus Reynolds Modified over 9 years ago
H1 FPS + ZEUS LPS1 FPS/LPS Combination Preliminary request M.Ruspa, V. Sola, M.Kapishin, R.Polifka
H1 FPS + ZEUS LPS2 Combine H1-ZEUS diffractive cross sections with Sasha Glasov’s combination code Available samples H1 HERA II FPS (published, [2]) ZEUS 2000 LPS (published, [3]) Goal In this talk report on combination of proton spectrometer results (LPS-FPS) [2] DESY 10-095 [3] DESY 08-175
H1 FPS + ZEUS LPS3 What/how/when to combine? M. RuspaZEUS General Meeting - 30/06/20113 Combining σ r D(4) point to point not possible >> different xIP, t, Q2, beta binning >> swimming in xIP depends on t through alpha’ Averaging the t-slope possible but needs time >> significant discrepancy Swimming σ r D(4) in beta, Q2 and making a combined Regge fit looks the cleanest way The fit will give b, IP and IR paramenters Work in progress timescale beyond summer Combining σ r D(3) point to point possible Done, to be realeased for EPS Will focus on this in the following
H1 FPS + ZEUS LPS4 Average t-slope as a function of x IP --- Regge fit uncertainty band H1 FPS HERA II DESY 10-095 H1 FPS HERA I DESY 06-048 ZEUS LPS 2 DESY 08-175 ─ H1 FPS HERA II Regge fit
H1 FPS + ZEUS LPS5 Average t-slope as a function of x IP, free ΔB ─/─ upper lines for ZEUS data ─/─ lower lines for H1 data ─ H1 FPS HERA II Regge fit H1/ZEUS uncertainty band ΔB~1.3-1.5GeV 2 uncertainty of H1+ZEUS cross section extrapolation from |t|-range [0.09-0.55] GeV 2 to |t|<1 GeV 2 Δσ/σ~ 6-8% B IP +ΔB, B IR +ΔB
H1 FPS + ZEUS LPS6 Measured in the t range [0.1 – 0.7] GeV 2 Extrapolation to t min < |t| < 1 GeV 2 with algebrical integration Available σ r D(3) measurements Measured in the t range [0.09 - 0.55] GeV 2 Extrapolation to t min < |t| < 1 GeV 2 hidden in acceptance corr
H1 FPS + ZEUS LPS7 7 ZEUS 2000 LPS (33 pb -1 ) and H1 FPS HERA II (156 pb -1 ) Binning originally very different (fixed Mx for ZEUS, fixed beta for H1) ZEUS points swam to H1 bins Correlated systematics from [2] (H1) and [3] (ZEUS) All systematics in [2] taken as correlated though no explicit mention in that paper Normalization Each sample left with its normalization and related uncertainty N.B.: Bringing samples to a fixed (average) normalization makes no difference Fit ingredients t rangeNorm. unc. ZEUSNorm. unc. H1Ratio H1/ZEUS [t min -1] GeV 2 +11% -7% 6%H1 / ZEUS = 0.85 ± 0.01 (stat) ± 0.03 (syst) + 0.09 / - 0.12 (norm) [0.09-0.55] GeV 2 7%4.5%H1/ZEUS = 0.91 ± 0.01 (stat) ± 0.03 (syst) + 0.075 (norm)
H1 FPS + ZEUS LPS8 Systematics H1 FPS hadronic energy scale electromagnetic energy scale scattered electron angle measurement energy and momentum of leading proton background subtraction reconstruction of event vertex bin centre correction x IP reweighting β reweighting Q 2 reweighting t reweighting (correlated systematics) ZEUS LPS electron position electron energy scale hadronic energy scale proton dissociation background vertex recontruction momentum of the leading proton proton position x IP reweighting t reweighting
H1 FPS + ZEUS LPS9 SGfit in the ZEUS t range fit -> χ 2 = 52 / 58 = 0.89 Fitted systematics: 1 HadEn_h1 -1.6177 0.6362 2 ElecEn_h1 0.9262 0.8955 3 ElecTh_h1 0.5329 0.7440 4 DifBeta_h1 0.1148 0.9315 5 DifXpom_h1 0.0912 0.9877 6 DifT_h1 1.0788 0.8311 7 EpFPS_h1 0.4233 0.5109 8 PxFPS_h1 0.6618 0.8010 9 PyFPS_h1 -0.4316 0.9084 10 DifQ2_h1 0.2190 0.9838 11 VtxEff_h1 -0.1373 0.9814 12 Backgr_h1 0.2708 0.9235 13 Bcccor_h1 -0.4207 0.9108 14 Norm_h1 0.1006 0.9065 15 Ehscale_zeus 0.1181 0.6023 16 Eescale_zeus 0.1703 0.6830 17 Pdiss_zeus 0.1499 0.9600 18 xIPweight_zeus -0.2433 0.9902 19 Tweight_zeus -0.3860 0.8941 20 Norm_zeus -0.1565 0.7542
H1 FPS + ZEUS LPS10 Pull distributions 10
H1 FPS + ZEUS LPS11 Gain in Precision M. RuspaZEUS General Meeting - 30/06/201111 Q2 beta xIP xsec_fit err_fit (%) xsec_h1 err_h1 (%) err_fit/err_h1 5.1 0.00180 0.0500 0.03677 9.93321 0.03400 11.92015 0.83331 5.1 0.00180 0.0750 0.03734 9.48539 0.03520 11.49087 0.82547 5.1 0.00560 0.0160 0.02478 8.77742 0.02170 11.83385 0.74172 5.1 0.00560 0.0250 0.02455 7.90381 0.02200 10.81665 0.73071 5.1 0.00560 0.0350 0.02607 7.72033 0.02370 10.24158 0.75382 5.1 0.00560 0.0500 0.02707 8.45574 0.02530 11.49087 0.73587 5.1 0.00560 0.0750 0.03275 9.93984 0.03120 13.41641 0.74087 5.1 0.01780 0.0085 0.02223 8.11542 0.01740 12.35476 0.65687 5.1 0.01780 0.0160 0.02093 7.62528 0.01880 11.15168 0.68378 5.1 0.01780 0.0250 0.02044 7.80883 0.01820 11.06752 0.70556 5.1 0.01780 0.0350 0.01922 8.46560 0.01740 11.40570 0.74223 5.1 0.01780 0.0500 0.02361 8.69751 0.02210 11.66190 0.74581 5.1 0.01780 0.0750 0.02692 9.98887 0.02520 13.05986 0.76485 5.1 0.05620 0.0025 0.01879 7.10260 0.01630 11.92015 0.59585 5.1 0.05620 0.0085 0.01541 7.38097 0.01450 11.57627 0.63759 5.1 0.05620 0.0160 0.01618 7.76050 0.01470 11.06752 0.70120 5.1 0.05620 0.0250 0.01565 8.21274 0.01490 10.40433 0.78936 5.1 0.17800 0.0025 0.01964 8.16276 0.01720 12.44227 0.65605 5.1 0.17800 0.0085 0.01490 7.31552 0.01450 12.26744 0.59634 5.1 0.56200 0.0025 0.02966 7.66785 0.03010 12.00666 0.63863
H1 FPS + ZEUS LPS12 Second analysis – full t range 12 R.Polifka
H1 FPS + ZEUS LPS13 H1 FPS HERA II data Averaged method: DA / Elec y av = y e 2 +y da ∙(1-y da ) → Q av 2,x av x IP = 1 – E p /920 β= x / x IP for x IP >0.01 → β-dependence at fixed Q 2,x IP → β does not depend on M x scale β = Q 2 /(Q 2 +M x 2 ) for x IP <0.01 M X = 1.10∙ M x had ∙√ y av /y had E had → E had (1±Δ), M x →M x √(1±Δ) H1 LAr scale dependence
H1 FPS + ZEUS LPS14 SGfit/WA Nominal H1 Had escale taken out from error grid H1 Had escale partially responsible of raise towards low x IP (0.0025 and 0.0085) N.B.: when taking out Had escale, SGfit raises @ highest beta and lowest x IP
H1 FPS + ZEUS LPS15 How to deal with the Lar shift Use as default the observed shifts HadEn_H1 -1.7165 0.6308 ElecEn_H1 0.9070 0.8969 Olaf Behnke: use values from the inclusive combination to estimate a procedural uncertainty related to the energy scales h8H_caleLar -0.9058 0.5489 h3EeLar00 -0.3796 0.4559 Overall effect ~ 1%, up to 5% for the lowest x IP bins Take the LAr escale uncertainty as uncorrelated between H1 data points - the correlation between the first two x IP bins and the rest is minimal - in the first two x IP bins the uncertainty swaps from negative to positive in different β and Q 2 bins, i.e. the reaction of the cross section to the energy shift is different Decided to consider the latter as procedural uncertainty
H1 FPS + ZEUS LPS16 Olaf Proposal
H1 FPS + ZEUS LPS17 Ratio nominal case to case with H1 hadronic escale taken as uncorrelated H1 LAr hadronic escale taken as uncorrelated
H1 FPS + ZEUS LPS18 Procedural Uncertainties M. RuspaZEUS General Meeting - 30/06/201118 ZEUS Swimming factors Average effect ~ 1% Additive VS Multiplicative Only normalization uncertainties taken as multiplicative while all other uncertainties treated as additive (see slide 19) Average effect ~ 4.3% Correlations between H1 and ZEUS Similar systematic uncertainties identified >> electromagnetic energy scale >> background subtraction >> x IP reweighting >> t reweighting Average effect ~ 2 % H1 hadronic energy scale not correlated between H1 data points
H1 FPS + ZEUS LPS19 Procedural Uncertainties M. Ruspa19ZEUS General Meeting - 30/06/2011 Ratio nominal case to case with all uncertainties except normalization taken as additive
H1 FPS + ZEUS LPS20 Procedural Uncertainties Ratio nominal case to case with all correlations ZEUS-H1 taken together
H1 FPS + ZEUS LPS21 Q 2 = 2.5 GeV x IP = 0.00035 - 0.0009 - 0.09 β = 0.816 Including single points (not matching with other experiments) does not change the fit results (nor the χ 2 nor the systematic shifts) but allow to obtain a wider kinematical coverage → do not changed χ2 in the combination fit 121 H1 points 58→106 ZEUS points 169 H1+ZEUS combined points Additional ZEUS LPS points
H1 FPS + ZEUS LPS22 Plots for EPS 2011
H1 FPS + ZEUS LPS23 Plots for EPS 2011
H1 FPS + ZEUS LPS24 Plots for EPS 2011
H1 FPS + ZEUS LPS25 Summary & Outlook Fit to σ r D(3 LPS-FPS in the ZEUS t-range [0.09-0.55 GeV 2 ] ready - combined cross section plots vs x IP, Q 2 - pull distributions - procedural uncertainties - second analysis Following plots to be realeased for EPS, zoomed plots will be prepared for H1ZEUS plenary Combined Regge fit to LPS-FPS data on the way
H1 FPS + ZEUS LPS26 Backup: H1 E had scale shift for x IP <0.01 x IP =0.0025 x IP =0.0085 log 10 β Linear Y scale H1 FPS log 10 β-bin limits: -3.0, -2.5, -2.0, -1.5, -1.0, -0.5, 0.0 E had -7% → MC hadron energy scale shifted at -1.75δ relative to default MC for 2 lower x IP bins β = Q 2 / (Q 2 + M x 2 )
H1 FPS + ZEUS LPS27 Backup: H1 E had scale shift for x IP <0.01 x IP =0.0025 x IP =0.0085 log 10 β LogY scale H1 FPS log 10 β - bin limits: -3.0, -2.5, -2.0, -1.5, -1.0, -0.5, 0.0 E had -7% → MC hadron energy scale shifted at -1.75δ relative to default MC for 2 lower x IP bins
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