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NNAI – practice L2 BJT differential amplifier. Main parameters of used transistors: NPN: Is = 2.10 -16 A  = 100 Output characteristic slope in active.

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Presentation on theme: "NNAI – practice L2 BJT differential amplifier. Main parameters of used transistors: NPN: Is = 2.10 -16 A  = 100 Output characteristic slope in active."— Presentation transcript:

1 NNAI – practice L2 BJT differential amplifier

2 Main parameters of used transistors: NPN: Is = 2.10 -16 A  = 100 Output characteristic slope in active region = 0.5 μA/V at Ic=30uA (V E =60V) PNP: Is = 2.10 -16 A  = 50 Output characteristic slope in active region 1 μA/V při Ic=30uA (V E =30V) Nore: precise V T for T=300K is 25.851241 mV Spice models can be find at

3 Need of matching !!!!! Variance of the „hipo“ R over process and temperature in AMIS CMOS07: R hipotyp = 2000 Ω/□ R hipomin = 1600 Ω/□ R hipomax = 2400 Ω/□ tc 1 = -21.10 -4 tc 2 = 5.10 -6 Variance Rhipo [Ω/□] pro t = (0-90)°C

4 1 Design bipolar differential stage with transconductance gm:

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6 2 Determine input voltage asymmetry of the BJT differential stage knowing that due to the lithography variance the ratio of the BJT emitter areas is 1,1.  means: I s1 = 1.1 I s2 Make sure the input offset is not I SS dependent…

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8 3 Design differential output amplifier and gain A=10 Its quiescent current consumption is 40μA. V C = 5V -suppose V be = 0.65V

9 3 To satisfy demand of current consumption For voltage GAIN: Simulation  PSpice

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