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Nervous System (Overview)

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Presentation on theme: "Nervous System (Overview)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nervous System (Overview)

2 REVIEW: CNS PNS Brain and spinal cord Protected by
Meninges skull and vertebrae PNS All the other neurons Serves limbs and organs Sensory and motor branches Exposed to toxins and more susceptible to injuries

3 Involuntary (e.g. Heartbeat, peristalsis)
Quick Responses (fight or flight) Slower Responses (rest & digest)




7 Neuron Dendrites (receives electrical stimulation from other neurons)
Cell Body Axon terminals (transmits electrical stimulation to other neurons)

8 Functional Differences b/w Neurons
Sensory Neurons E.g. Those in skin Receive sensory information & transmit the information (as a nerve impulse) to the CNS (brain & spinal cord) Motor Neurons Take information from CNS to effectors (e.g. Muscles, glands, other organs) Interneurons Link sensory & motor neurons

9 Example: the reflex arc
Sensory neurons are stimulated by the pricking of the rose thorns signal travels to the spinal cord along sensory neurons synapse with interneurons within the CNS Interneurons stimulate motor neurons travels along their axons to the muscle Muscle contracts to withdraw the hand

10 Non neural Cells Oligodendrocytes Schwann cells
form the myelin sheaths of axons in CNS Schwann cells form a myelin sheath around each axon in PNS

11 Myelin Sheath 80% lipid + 20% protein
Protects the axon and helps speed up the conduction of nerve impulses

12 Homework Make yourself a glossary for the following terms:
Glial Cell, Myelin Sheath, node of Ranvier Central Nervous System, Peripheral Nervous System Somatic Nervous System, Autonomic Nervous System, Sympathetic Nervous System, Parasympathetic Nervous System

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