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Unit 4 How Do You SpendSpend Your Spare Time?Spare Time Warm Up 基础模块 上册 江苏省职业学校文化课教材.

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1 Unit 4 How Do You SpendSpend Your Spare Time?Spare Time Warm Up 基础模块 上册 江苏省职业学校文化课教材

2 1. What is the most important in 21 century? Step 1 Warm Up 2. As a student, how can you keep healthy?

3 Step 2 Review sth spend time / money (subject) sth Example: 1. I spend 2 hours the homework. = I spend 2 hours the homework. 2. I spend 5 dollars the book. = I spend 5 dollars the book. sb on (in) doing on (in) doing

4 eg: 1) play 2) play the Step3 Language points 1. spare time spare-time activites 2. play chess (guess) Attention: uses of “play” without the: with the: 下棋 球类,棋牌,中国乐器前 西洋乐器前 = free time 业余时间 业余活动 football/ table tennis/ basketball chess/ cards Er-hu piano/ guitar/ violin

5 Step4 Lead in Differences between a high school & a vocational school. DifferenceHigh schoolVocational school Course Study place Spare-time activity cultural lessons cultural lessons + professional lessons classroom building classroom building + training center few many

6 Cultural lessons & Professional lessons Cultural lessons: Chinese, Math, English, physics, chemistry, politcs, history, geograpy, biology, computer, PE, etc. Professional lessons: Machining, car-repairing, architecture, tourism, electronics, customer service, accounting, computer programming, hairdressing, etc.

7 Spare-time activities Sports meeting 运动会, red song competition 红歌大赛, speech contest 演 讲比赛, performance contest 表演比赛, karaoke contest 卡拉 OK 大赛, writing competition 征文大赛, career planning game 职业生涯规划. What spare-time activities are there in our school?

8 Step5 Presentation 1. Translate the phrases one by one. playing chess outing doing sports singing taking photos dancing cooking playing games 下棋出游 做运动 唱歌拍照片 跳舞 烹饪 玩游戏

9 2. Match activities with correct pictures. singing playing chess outingplaying games

10 taking photos doing sports cooking dancing

11 Step6 Free talk Talk about spare-time activities. 1.Individual work Ask & Answer Activity T: Which of the activities above do you like best? S: I like ------best. T: What other activities do you enjoy? S: I enjoy ------.

12 2. Pair work Role play like doing sth = like to do sth 1) Nouns: S1: I like------best. What about you? S2: I like ------too. And I also like------. 2) Verbs: S1: What do you do in your spare time? S2: In my sparetime, I like to------. What about you? S1: I like to------too. And I also like to------.

13 3. Group work Conversation S1: I like ------.What about you, S2? S2: like ------too, and I also like------. What about you, S3? S3: I don’t like ------. I like ------. What about you, S4? S4: I don’t like ------either. I like ------.

14 Step7 Listening Listen to five conversations and answer the questions. 1.A.Travelling B. Reading C. Dancing 2.A. Playing the piano B. Playing cards C. Playing games 3.A. Cooking B. Singing C. Planting flowers 4.A. France B. The US C. Egypt 5. A. Playing basketball B. Playing football C. Playing table tennis

15 Step8 Brainstorming Match activities with correct clubs. tourism clubcomputer clubfood clubchess club art clubmusic clubsports club dancing club

16 Step9 Summary & Homework 1. Preview Listening & Speaking from Page57-60 in Textbook. 2. Finish Part A task 1 on Page 26 in Students’ Exercise book. We can … in … club.

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