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Hobbie s Unit4 Sing a song We all like climbing.

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Presentation on theme: "Hobbie s Unit4 Sing a song We all like climbing."— Presentation transcript:


2 Hobbie s Unit4

3 Sing a song We all like climbing

4 What do you like doing? I like … I also like swimming. also( 也)

5 like dancing like drawing like running like reading like singing like watching TV like skating like playing basketball like playing football like playing tabletennis

6 Unit 4 Hobbies Life will be beautiful with hobbies. hobby----hobbies 爱好

7 What does he like doing? He likes… He is good at bakestball. ( 擅长于...... )

8 What do they like doing? Mike likes… Liu Tao likes… Yang Ling likes…... Guess:

9 What do they like doing? Read and circle : 轻声朗读,圈出文中人物各自的爱好。

10 I like playing basketball and football. I can play basketball well,but I’m not good at football. I like drawing too. I usually draw in the park with my brother Tim. What does Mike like doing? Read and answer He likes…

11 He is not good at... He is good at... Try to say :试着说一说

12 1 、 What does Liu Tao like doing? 2 、 What is Liu Tao good at? Read and answer This is my friend Liu Tao. He likes playing football too.He is good at it.He also likes playing table tennis.

13 Hobbies What are their hobbies?

14 Hobbies reading stories playing the piano dancing swimming watching films( 看电影) swimming

15 They both like swimming. A: 两个都 B: 三个都 and both like swimming. Su Yang Su Hai

16 Think and write drawing playing basketball football drawing playing football reading swimming dancing swimming

17 选择你最喜 欢的一个人 物,介绍一 下他(她) 的爱好。至 少使用两句 。 This is … She\He likes … She\He can …well. She\He is ( not ) good at … … Try to say:

18 This is my friend ,. ( She\He ) likes. can well. like too. usually. … Think and write 介绍一下你的好朋友, 可以模仿书中介绍。

19 Homework : 1.Listen and read the text. 2. write something about your friend's hobbies.

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