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Module 6 The Olympic adventure 合肥市第四十中学 童有明 Period 1 Unit 1 Cycling is more dangerous than swimming. Vocabulary and Listening and Pronunciation.

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2 Module 6 The Olympic adventure 合肥市第四十中学 童有明

3 Period 1 Unit 1 Cycling is more dangerous than swimming. Vocabulary and Listening and Pronunciation

4 What is the Olympic flag? Five rings flag What do the five rings mean? Five continents Europe Asia Africa Oceania America Friendship

5 What is the motto ( ) of the Olympic Games? stronger fasterhigher 口号 更快,更高,更强

6 What do you think of … ? popular cheap tiring exciting difficult dangerous relaxing

7 Match the opposite words. Activity3 P32 dangerous difficult exciting expensive popular relaxing boring cheap easy safe tiring unpopular What other opposites can you tell us? tall-short …

8 Guess: What kind of sports is it? basketball It’s exciting. We always have the match in the gym. The match lasts for 40 minutes. There are five people in a team.

9 Guess: What kind of sports is it? It is popular. It is played by two or four people. Zhang Yining is very good at it. We use a table to play it. table tennis

10 Guess: What kind of sports is it? gymnastics It is difficult. Chinese people are good at it. Cheng Fei is famous for it. It starts in 18 th century.

11 Guess: What kind of sports is it? running It is cheap. We can do it anytime. Justin Gatlin is good at it. We can do it anywhere.

12 cycling Guess: What kind of sports is it? It is tiring. It is from Europe. Huang Jinbao ( The King of Cyclists in Asia) from Hongkong is good at it. We use bikes to compete.

13 skiing Guess: What kind of sports is it? It is dangerous. They usually wear a pair of sunglasses. People move quickly over snow in Winter. People in the north like it very much.

14 Look at the signs and write down the sports. basketball cycling running table tennis gymnastics

15 Listen and number the sports as you hear them. Activity 1 basketball cycling gymnastics running skiing table tennis 2 4 3 5 6 1

16 1. Table tennis is popular. 2. Basketball is exciting. 3. Gymnastic is difficult. 4. Cycling is tiring. 5. Running is cheap. 6. Skiing is dangerous. Activity2 Match the sentences with the pictures. Match the sentences with the picture. Activity 2

17 Listen and tick for Betty and Daming. BettyDaming gymnastics table tennis basketball running cycling skiing

18 Read and try to finish the conversation. Betty: Chinese people are very good at gymnastics. Do you like gymnastics, Daming? Daming: Yes, I do. But Chinese people are good at table tennis, too, and table tennis is ______ ______than gymnastics. Betty: I love gymnastics. I think it’s ______ ______ than table tennis. What Olympic sports do you like? Daming: Basketball is my favourite sport, but I also like running. Betty: Oh no, running is _____ boring _____basketball. I also like cycling. Cycling is _____ relaxing _____ running. Daming: No, it isn’t. I think cycling is _____ tiring ____ running. And do you like skiing? Betty: Yes, I do. But it’s _____ dangerous _____ running and cycling. more popular more exciting more than more than

19 A is more adj. than B. 多音节词形容词 beautiful useful interesting delicious important careful 用 more 构成比较级 Summary:

20 Which one is more …? … is more … than…. dangerous popular exciting difficult relaxing Write sentences on your notebook

21 1.Swimming is more dangerous than cycling. 1.cycling is more dangerous than swimming. 2.Diving is more popular than table tennis. 2.Table tennis is more popular than diving. 3.Judo is more exciting than football. 3.Football is more exciting than Judo. 4.Badminton is more difficult than gymnastics. 4.Gymnastics is more difficult than badminton. 5.Boxing is more relaxing than volleyball. 5.Volleyball is more relaxing than boxing.

22 More exercise Please finish part 1 on page 36. 2.Football is more exciting than basketball. 1.Cycling is more dangerous than table tennis. 3.Swimming is safer than gymnastics. 4.Skiing is more expensive than running.

23 be good at sth/doing… 擅长... Kong Linghui _____________ table tennis. is good at 他们擅长跑步. They are good at running.

24 Liu Xuan ______ _______ _______( 擅长) gymnastics. Yao Ming ______ ________ ________ _________ ( 擅长打) basketball. Yao Ming is _______ __________ _______ (更受 欢迎) Liu Xuan. Finish the sentences. is good at is good at playing more popular than 5. 6. 7.

25 Fill in the blanks with proper words. 1).Table tennis is _______ ( 受欢迎的 ). 2). Skiing is ________ ( 危险的 ). 3).Basketball is _______ ( 令人兴奋的 ). 4).Table tennis is more popular than ________ ( 体操 ). 5).Cycling is more ______( 放松的 )than running. relaxing popular dangerous exciting gymnastics

26 6).This kind of weather is very _______( 累人 的 ). 7).Football games is an ________ ( 冒险 ),so most young people like it. 8).Wu Dong is very _______ ( 擅长 ) math. 9). ______ ( 我想 ) it is good for our health to have some sports every day. 10 ).Gymnastics is _____ ( 更 )difficult than running. tiring adventure good at I think more

27 翻译下面句子: 1. 篮球在美国很受欢迎. 2. 骑自行车令人放松. 3. 滑雪很危险. 4. 中国人很擅长乒乓球. 5. 篮球是我最喜欢的运动,但我也喜欢跑步. Basketball is very popular in America. Cycling is relaxing. Skiing is very dangerous. Chinese people are good at table tennis. Basketball is my favorite sport, but I also like running.

28 6. 我认为体操比乒乓球更令人激动. 7. 滑雪比跑步和骑自行车更危险. 8. 我认为这个问题比那个难。 9. 在中国,乒乓球比足球受欢迎。 10. 篮球比跑步更让人激动吗? 11. 跑步和滑雪,哪一个更放松? Skiing is more dangerous than running and cycling. I think this question is more difficult than that one. Table tennis is more popular than football in China. Is basketball more exciting than running? Which is more relaxing, running or skiing? I think gymnastics is more exciting than table tennis.

29 volleyball football basketball

30 badminton shooting

31 table tennis tennis

32 golf baseball

33 hurdle race relay race running

34 high jump Long jump

35 horse riding cycling

36 swimming diving

37 Speed skating Figure skating skating

38 What Olympic sports are they?

39 What other Olympic sports do you know? judo rowing rings hurdles

40 “The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the winning but the struggle. ” The Olympic creed( 信条 ) was first stated in 1896 by Coubertin. The founder of the Olympic Games

41 If you want to be a volunteer in 2008 Olympic Games, choose an Olympic sport you want to join in best and tell us why. I want to join in ________. It is my favourite Olympic sport. Because it is _______ than ______, and it’s _________________.

42 1. Read the conversation as fluently as possible. 2. Write a short composition: “My favourite Olympic sport”. Why do you like it? About 50 words.

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