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Unit 5 On the farm. S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 yesterday today National Day the.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 5 On the farm. S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 yesterday today National Day the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 5 On the farm

2 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 yesterday today National Day the National Day holiday 国庆假期 last week

3 cook nice food listen to music often sometimes play table tennis watch TV visit my friend on the National Day holiday listened to music cooked nice food played table tennis watched TV visited a farm 友情提醒:在表示过去式的句式中,动词要用它的过去式形 式,一般在实义动词的后面加 ed

4 I listened to music on the National Day holiday.

5 I watched TV on the National Day holiday.

6 A: What did you do on the National Day holiday? B: I …ed ….

7 listened to music cooked nice food played table tennis watched a film visited a farm Guess: What was the most interesting thing I did ? ( 我做的最有趣的是什么? )

8 visited a farm


10 What did Helen and her family do on the farm? Learning tips: 1. 自读课文对话,划出他们在农场所做 的事情。 2. 小组交流, 把他们所做的事情写在互帮 显示板上,然后试着读一读。 Self-study content : Self-study content (自学):

11 Helen: I visited a farm with my family on Monday and Tuesday. Nancy: What did you do on the farm? Helen: On Monday, we watered trees and pulled up carrots. Nancy: What did you do on Tuesday? Helen: We milked cows. That was fun! Nancy: Really? What else did you do? Helen: We collected eggs. Nancy: Were there any fruit trees on the farm? Helen: Yes, there were. There were apple trees, oranges trees and pear trees. We picked a lot of oranges and tasted them. Nancy: Wonderful! I want to go to the farm, too! What did Helen and her family do on the farm?

12 Look and match. 看图连线 watered trees pulled up carrots milked cows collected eggs picked oranges tasted oranges 1 2 3 4 5 6

13 Try to say Helen visited a farm with her family on the National Day holiday. On Monday,they _______ _____ and _______________. On Tuesday,they ______ _____, ________ _____, ______ ________ and ______ ____. watered trees pulled up carrots milked cows collected eggs picked orangestasted them That was fun! 那是有趣的事!

14 Helen: What did you do last week? Nancy: I watched a film with my parents on Wednesday. Helen: Did you like the film? Nancy: Yes. It was a funny cartoon. We all liked it very much. What did you do? What did Nancy do on the National Day holiday? Read the text, answer the question. 读课文,回答问题。

15 Helen: What _________ last week? Nancy: I ________________________ on Wednesday. Helen: Did you like the film? Nancy: Yes. It was _____________. We all ______________. did you do watched a film with my parents a funny cartoon liked it very much Fill in the blanks (填空).

16 自学提示 : 1. 自读课文,划出你不会的词句。 2. 小组互帮理解。 3. 在互帮显示板上记录小组内不能 解决的内容。 4. 再读对话,完成书 P39 的练习 Self-study content: 自学整篇课文

17 Nancy is telling Yang Ling about her conversation with Helen. Read the sentences. Write T if the sentence is true. Write F if it is false. · I watched a cartoon on Wednesday. ( ) ·Helen visited a farm at the weekends. ( ) ·Helen pulled up carrots on Monday. ( ) ·Helen picked oranges and watered trees on Tuesday. ( ) T F T F

18 It was the holiday last week. Nancy with her parents. They it very much. Helen with her family on Monday and Tuesday. She and on Monday. She and on Tuesday. And she a lot of oranges and. That was ! Try to write. 完成下列课文的缩写。如有困难可以小组间讨论 (互帮)完成。 National Day watched a film likedvisited a farm watered trees pulled up carrots milked cowscollected eggs picked tasted them fun

19 Homework: 1. 听录音,熟读课文。 2. 完成每日英语 A 卷。


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