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God strong How God Strengthens Christians. Godstrong: How God Strengthens Christians Christians Need Strength For Battle with Satan and his unseen forces.

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Presentation on theme: "God strong How God Strengthens Christians. Godstrong: How God Strengthens Christians Christians Need Strength For Battle with Satan and his unseen forces."— Presentation transcript:

1 God strong How God Strengthens Christians

2 Godstrong: How God Strengthens Christians Christians Need Strength For Battle with Satan and his unseen forces Eph 6:11-12 temptation to sin 1 Pet 2:11 trials- tests of faith in God Lk 22:31-32

3 Godstrong: How God Strengthens Christians God’s Exhortation in Old and New Testaments: Be Strong! Dt 31:6, 7-8, 23; Josh 1:6-7, 9, 18 Eph 6:10; 1 Cor 16:13; 2 Tim 2:1

4 Godstrong: How God Strengthens Christians God is Strong Almighty 58x (NASB) 31x (Job) 30x by men who thought they understood, 1x by God 40:1-2 9x (Revelation) in midst of persecution- to get worse before it got better 4:8 Rom 1:20; Ps 65:6-8; 1 Chron 29:12; 1 Cor 1:25; 2 Thess 3:3

5 Godstrong: How God Strengthens Christians God strengthens me and protects me from evil one as I tap into the Source of power Prayer (I talk to God) 2 Cor 1:8-11 (Mt 22:30; Ps 73:26) Eph 1:18-21; 3:20 Ps 28:6-7; 61:1-3; 62:1-2, 5-8

6 Godstrong: How God Strengthens Christians God strengthens me and protects me from evil one as I tap into the Source of power Study/Meditation on Word of God (God talks to me) Eph 3:16; Col 1:9-11 (2 Cor 4:7) knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding worthy walk every good work strengthened with all power Eph 6:11,13; 14-17; 1 Jn 2:14 3 pieces of armor directly refer to the Word ; the other 3 come from it

7 Godstrong: How God Strengthens Christians God strengthens me and protects me from evil one as I tap into the Source of power Are we weak/vulnerable? No prayer? No study/meditation? How can we possibly win the battle? We must be God strong!

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