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Hosted by Ms ALMOND Jeopard y. 100 200 400 300 400 Renaissance ReformationExplorationName the Creator! 300 200 400 200 100 500 100.

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Presentation on theme: "Hosted by Ms ALMOND Jeopard y. 100 200 400 300 400 Renaissance ReformationExplorationName the Creator! 300 200 400 200 100 500 100."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hosted by Ms ALMOND Jeopard y

2 100 200 400 300 400 Renaissance ReformationExplorationName the Creator! 300 200 400 200 100 500 100

3 Row 1, Col 1 A revival of the classical Greek and Roman language, texts. Belief that humans are capable of great things What is Humanism?

4 1,2 He believed in predestination Who was John Calvin?

5 1,3 The three things explores went searching for What was Gold, God and Glory?

6 1,4 “It’s better to be feared than loved” Who was Machiavelli?

7 2,1 Italian Renaissance Artists experimented with this artistic technique which helped to draw maps What is perspective?

8 2,2 The movement that inspired Martin Luther to question religious beliefs What was Christian/Northern Humanism?

9 2,3 He sailed around the tip of Africa, opening up the Indian Ocean to Portuguese trade Who was Vasco daGama?

10 2,4 “Priesthood of all believers” Who was Martin Luther?

11 4,1 The city-state in Italy that was ruled by the Medici and had banking and cloth industry What was Florence?

12 3,2 This act ended the battles between Lutheranism and Catholicism in the Holy Roman Empire What was the Peace of Augsburg?

13 3,3 This boat allowed mariners to travel to the Indian Ocean and trade What was the caravel?

14 3,4 “ What was the Pieta by Michangelo?

15 5,1 The fathers of Humanism and Christian Humanism Who were Petrarch and Erasmus?

16 4,2 This helped to spread the ideas of the Reformation What was the Printing Press?

17 4,3 The exchange of goods between the Americas and Europe What was the Columbian Exchange?

18 4,4 What was Brunelleschi’s Dome?

19 3,1 This group of people faced social and intellectual barriers during the Renaissance Who were women?

20 5,2 This act led to the beheading of Thomas Moore. What was the Act of Supremacy?

21 5,3 The three spices traded by the Portuguese with the merchants in India What were cinnamon, pepper and nutmeg?

22 5,4 m What is the School of Athens by Raphael?

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