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Chapter 7: Cell Structure & Function 7.1 & 7.2. Discovering the Cell For a long time, we didn’t know cells existed. They were too small to see with the.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 7: Cell Structure & Function 7.1 & 7.2. Discovering the Cell For a long time, we didn’t know cells existed. They were too small to see with the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 7: Cell Structure & Function 7.1 & 7.2

2 Discovering the Cell For a long time, we didn’t know cells existed. They were too small to see with the naked eye! What invention changed this?

3 Discovering the Cell The invention of the microscope changed how we look at living things

4 We use a compound light microscope. Can see the Cell Membrane & Nucleus Can not study internal structures of organelles Electron Microscope

5 Discovery of the Cell Robert Hooke: saw a honeycomb structure when examining cork under the microscope cells Named these structures cells, meaning “storage rooms”

6 Discovery of the cell Van Leeuwenhoek Observed microorganisms in pond water, tooth scrapings, and saliva

7 Cell Theory Three parts Cells are the smallest/basic units of life All living things are made up of cells All cells come from preexisting cells history-of-cell-theory

8 Levels Macromolecules (last unit) Organelle (cell parts such as the nucleus or mitochondria) Cell Tissue Organ Systems Organism smallest biggest

9 Different cell categories Prokaryote: cell without a nucleus or most organelles Ex. bacteria Eukaryote: cell with a nucleus and organelles Ex. animal cell

10 2 types of Eukaryotic Cells AnimalPlant

11 Cell Membrane Controls what enters and exits the cell Made of phospholipids  bilayer

12 Nucleus Only in a eukaryotic cell “Boss”  controls the cell Stores & Protects the DNA



15 Cytoplasm “Jelly” that holds cell structures in place

16 Mitochondria “Power House” Make ATP  energy source CELL RESPIRATION


18 Cell Respiration Converts chemical energy in food to usable energy in the form of ATP

19 Ribosome Make Proteins Found Free or Attached to the ER (Endoplasmic Reticulum)

20 Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) Manufactures (aka makes) important substances for the cell. Helps the Ribosome!

21 Rough ER  Ribosomes attached to it Smooth ER Found outside of the nucleus

22 Golgi Apparatus Packages & Ships substances produced by the cell


24 Lysosome Digests/Breaks down waste, old parts, foreign substances & recycles them. Rarely found in plants cells.

25 Centrioles Important for cell division! Help to organize & move chromosomes during mitosis. Mainly found in animal cells

26 Cilia and Flagella Cilia – Look like hair Flagella – A tail

27 Plants Cell Plant cells have a few differences! – Cell Wall – Large Vacuoles – Chloroplasts

28 Cell Wall Rigid  Helps support, shape & protect the cell Made of Cellulose

29 Vacuole Fluid filled sac Stores enzymes, waste, & water Also found in animal cells but they are much smaller

30 Chloroplast Stores pigments that convert sunlight to cell energy  photosynthesis!




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