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Authoritarianism How are government actions that ignore the will of the people justified?

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Presentation on theme: "Authoritarianism How are government actions that ignore the will of the people justified?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Authoritarianism How are government actions that ignore the will of the people justified?

2 Authoritarian Political Systems Authoritarianism: A form of government that vests authority in an elite group that may or may not rule in the interests of the people. –Such governments are often an expression of collectivism over individualism. Many such governments feel they are serving the best interests of the people.

3 Oligarchies Oligarchy: A form of government in which political power rests with a small elite segment of society. Iron Law of Oligarchy: Any political system will eventually evolve into an oligarchy. –USA: Third party candidates have virtually no chance of winning (Bush and Clinton: These names keep coming up…).


5 One-Party States One-Party State: A type of system where only one party forms the government or no other parties are permitted to run. Too much division in multi-party states. –This style creates a sense of unity.

6 Military Dictatorships A military dictatorship is a form of government in which political power resides with the military leadership. –Often come to power through a coup d'état. Often portray themselves as interim governments during turmoil.

7 Techniques of Authoritarian Governments Vision Propaganda Directing Public Discontent Terror

8 Vision: A view of what the country could be like if lead in a certain direction. –Protect from a perceived threat (Hitler). –Nationalism (Stalin).

9 Propaganda Propaganda: The use of a set of messages designed to influence the opinions or behaviours of large numbers of people. –Nazi and Soviet propaganda. –WW2 propaganda.




13 Controlled Participation The population is allowed to fell that it is participating in the economy in someway in order to convince them to buy into the accepted ideology. –Example: Rallies, spies for the Party etc… Red Guard: Youth recruited in China to carry the message of communism around the county (ands to undermine old ways of thought)


15 Directing Public Discontent The people are provided with an enemy on which they can safely unleash their frustrations. –Show trials, foreign threat, or internal threat. Hitler: Anti-Semitism. Stalin: Trials against dissidents.


17 Terror Brutal and arbitrary violence in order to control the population. –Disappearances, beatings, property damage… Enforce state will and negate individual freedoms.


19 Strengths and Weaknesses of Authoritarianism Strengths: –Access to employment, food, shelter. –Roads, hospitals, social programs provided. –Sense of unity and belonging. –Etc… Weakness: –Sacrifice of individualism. –Hard to change leadership peacefully. –No voice for the people. –Etc…

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