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Body Armor Jalen Harris.

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1 Body Armor Jalen Harris

2 When was it invented? Body armor has been around since the beginning of the human race.

3 What need does it address?
Since the beginning body armor has helped people from being harmed in combat.

4 What are the existing patents?
Kevlar bulletproof vest are the existing patents.

5 What were the original materials used?
People first used leather to protect themselves. It was only useful against animal scratches and knives.

6 How was it originally made?
The original metal or ceramic plates can be used with a soft vest, providing additional protection from rifle rounds, and metallic components or tightly woven fiber layers can give soft armor resistance to stab and slash attacks from knives and similar close- quarter weapons.

7 New Improvements Modern body armor may combine a ballistic vest with other items of protective clothing, such as a combat helmet. Vests intended for police and military use may also include ballistic shoulder and side protection armor components, and bomb disposal officers wear heavy armor and helmets with face visors and spine protection.

8 Why were these improvements made?
With the improvement of technology and the understanding of Kevlar people began to realize that body armor could be innovated. With the improvement of body armor it could help improve the lives of the people who use them and need them the most.

9 Who uses the product? Soft vests are commonly worn by police forces, private citizens who are at risk of being shot (e.g., national leaders), security guards, and bodyguards, whereas hard-plate reinforced vests are mainly worn by combat soldiers, police tactical units, and hostage rescue teams.

10 What is the global impact on society of body armor and its innovations?
It has changed warfare and durability. It has saved people’s lives and will continue to be innovated. Body armor will have changed so much in the future.

11 IF I could make changes to Body Armor…
I would put Kevlar in almost everything from cell phones to glass.

12 Disciplines of Engineering
Body armor uses chemical engineering. Kevlar is a synthetic material made in a lab by a chemist.

13 Timeline 1965- Kevlar is developed by Stephanie Kwolek
1970- Herb Blades developed an air gap spinning process allowing large scale production of Kevlar. 1975- First field trial of body armor is tested. 1978- Body armor is adapted by U.S. military. 1991- The Gulf War. Most U.S. soldiers wore helmets made of Kevlar. The PASGT vest worn by military personnel reduced the number of casualties. 1993- Fragmentation and bullet resistant ranger vest helped save lives of military personnel of Somalia. 1994- Bomb suits containing Kevlar helped protect army personnel in Somalia and Bosnia.

14 The Down-side of Body Armor
Body armor is heavy and hot. Body armor will make breathing under exertion more difficult. Body armor will alter your shooting stance. You can be choked out on your body armor. Water and Ultraviolet light will cause soft armor to degrade. Body armor has an expiration date, but it often isn’t all that important. Soft body armor offers adequate protection against most edged weapons threats.

15 Works Cited
nonwovens/fibers/brands/kevlar.html armor2.htm

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