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Children’s Rights and Responsibility. EEducation LLove and Care TTo Make own Choices.

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Presentation on theme: "Children’s Rights and Responsibility. EEducation LLove and Care TTo Make own Choices."— Presentation transcript:

1 Children’s Rights and Responsibility. EEducation LLove and Care TTo Make own Choices

2 EDUCATION  To be a better person.  To share the knowledge with others.  To get good work.  To make the world a better place. Children have a right to education.

3 EDUCATION  Lack of education in parents.  The parents prefer child labor then education.  The children on drugs need money to by more that is why they don’t go to school. Reasons why education rights have been abused.

4 EDUCATION  The government should have meetings on how much education is important. The whole country should be invited and people should go to the rural areas and inform them about education.  The government should make a law that everyone must follow, the children should go to school from four years. Solutions.

5 EDUCATION Children’s responsibility. To listen and learn.

6 Love and Care. TTo be happy. TTo be well mannered. TTo be healthy. Children need to be loved and cared.

7 Love and Care. Reasons why children’s love and care rights have been abused.  The parents don't have enough money to take care of the children.  If the parents have too many children some children will get no love and care.

8 Love and Care. Solution.  You should be sure if you can give enough love and care to so many children then you can have many children.

9 Love and Care Children’s responsibility. To appreciate to love back.

10 To make own choices.  When you grow up you will be able to make your own right choice.  To be open minded. Children have a right to make their own choices sometimes.

11 To make own choices.  Parents think that their children will not make the right choice.  Lack of education in parents. Reasons why children’s choice rights have been abused.

12 To make own choices  Parents should get knowledge.  The schools should teach the children to make their own choices. Like clubs, the children will get confidence in making their own choices. Solutions.

13 To make own choices. Children’s responsibility. To be confident when choosing.


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