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Style Technical Editing. Style “Choices about diction and sentence structure that affect comprehension and emphasis as well as projecting a voice or persona.”

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Presentation on theme: "Style Technical Editing. Style “Choices about diction and sentence structure that affect comprehension and emphasis as well as projecting a voice or persona.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Style Technical Editing

2 Style “Choices about diction and sentence structure that affect comprehension and emphasis as well as projecting a voice or persona.” (Rude 460)

3 Style Diction – “the choice of words used in writing and speech” (Handbook 134) Sentence structure – “Sentences generally flow from a subject to a verb to any objects, complements, or modifiers, but they can be ordered in a variety of ways to achieve emphasis” (Handbook 509)

4 Style - Diction Mark Twain once said, “The difference between the right word and almost the right word is the difference between ‘lightening’ and ‘lightening bug.’ (Handbook 582) It was a productive meeting. (what does that mean?)

5 Style - Diction The meeting helped both sides understand each other’s positions. (Better, clearly describes the meeting) Resignation letter I am submitting my resignation effective (date); it has been an experience working for you.

6 Style - Sentence Structure Place the subject and verb near the beginning See Rude 259 for a delayed subject Prefer S-V-O or S-V-C word order See Rude 259 Use appropriate sentence length See Rude 259-260

7 Style - Sentence Structure Use “actors” in sentences Rude 260-261 Prefer positive constructions Rude 261 Exercise – “Clear and Concise” and “Deadwood”

8 Organization The most important part of this chapter (17) is the discussion of grouping related material Homework (D&A 6, 302) compare

9 Visual Design Contrast Repetition Alignment Proximity C. R. A. P. 0/graphics/carp/

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