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Columbia out of war Shelby dawn 3b Grade 10. –That the outer edges of Columbia are the safest of Columbia, most of the violence was centered in the middle,

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Presentation on theme: "Columbia out of war Shelby dawn 3b Grade 10. –That the outer edges of Columbia are the safest of Columbia, most of the violence was centered in the middle,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Columbia out of war Shelby dawn 3b Grade 10

2 –That the outer edges of Columbia are the safest of Columbia, most of the violence was centered in the middle, with the exceptions of some southern cities. Colombia is one of the most violent countries in the world. Armed groups assassinated 20 mayoral candidates and 20 mayors, and kidnapped 200 other candidates in regional and local elections in 2000. The local monitoring group Fundación País Libre reported 2856 cases of kidnapping in 2001, mostly by guerrillas and paramilitaries, the rest blamed on other criminal groups. In 2002 anonymous gunmen murdered the Archbishop of Cali. Homicide is the main cause of death among young men in cities; overall, it rates second in the mortality stakes.

3 With all of the violence, why would anyone visit Colombia? After several decades of conflict, the violence has significantly decreased as a result of the military support provided by the United States of America.. Colombia’s homicide rate has almost halved since 2002 and has become a much safer place to visit. travelers are beginning to return and discover what they have been missing. While still enduring some problems, Colombia is a beautiful place to visit. The diversity of Colombia will amaze you. Check out the modern cities with skyscrapers and nightclubs, the gorgeous Caribbean beaches, hike through the jungle or visit one of the Colonial cities filled with archaeological ruins. Other leisure activities include surfing, scuba diving, and sport fishing. Colombia has many exotic cities to discover from the modern Bogota that’s filled with great music and great food or visit something more traditional like colonial Cartagena, one of the safest cities in Colombia that really shows the country’s history. Colombian food can be an adventure for your taste buds. There are exotic dishes where guinea pigs and roasted ants are served as dinner and considered a delicacy. Most Colombian dishes consist of meat products such as chicken, beef, fish, and pig. Many of the coastal cities offer more seafood dishes like lobster and shrimp. Much of Colombian food has been influenced by European and African immigrants, thus offering a very unique experience of mouth watering cuisine.

4 The biggest challenge in Juan Elias life is that his father and cousin are killed in the war, and specifically after his fathers death he decides he wants to take part in ending the war therefore he becomes child mayor of his town and attends a UNICEF workshop.

5 Beginning at age 17 Maritza was heavily into fighting and drugs but overcame this when she decided to have a dance off between gangs instead of fighting with guns.

6 Coping with gang violence was very difficult for Mayerly but after she saw what it was doing to the younger kids, she decided to bring peace to the young ones of the town by talking about how to avoid violence.

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