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Functional Overview Getting started with Sage ERP X3

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1 Functional Overview Getting started with Sage ERP X3
Stock (Inventory) module

2 Overview OVERVIEW Subject Objectives Rules Agenda Expectations
Sage ERP X3 Stock (Inventory) Module Objectives Functional presentation of the module Integration, Flows, Functions Rules No telephone No smoking Encourage team interaction Enjoy the training Any question is welcome Agenda Participants welcome and introduction 9:30 AM – 10:00 AM Concept presentation 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM Break 11:30 AM – 11:45 AM Demonstration 11:45 AM – 12:30 PM Questions and Answers 12:30 PM – 1:00 PM Expectations What you expect from the training

3 Introductions

4 Your expectations

5 Concepts

6 Goals Organize and improve the efficiency of stock/inventory operations Accelerate the flow of information to and from inventory across the enterprise Reduce or eliminate potential problems stemming from inaccurate and inconsistent data Means Manage stock movement and status in real-time Manage stocks dynamically (for a given date and projected stock) Means 3 What are the objectives of the inventory module (goals) and how are these objectives addressed (means)?

7 The roles and responsibilites in stock management
Module Logistics manager Stock organization Management rules Reorder policy Stock count policy Management control Logistics agent Traceability Quality control Stock count management Stock adjustment Stock valuation Material Buyer Requirement processing Order planning Order monitoring Consumption area replenishment Inter-site reorder Warehouse keeper Receipt Storage labelling Order preparation Return management Material preparation What are the general roles and responsibilities of the job functions associated with inventory/stocks? Stocks The roles and responsibilites in stock management

8 Subcontractor reorder The stock/inventory functions (X3) by role
Module Logistics manager Logistics agent Sites Stock counts Traceability Stock valuation Locations Quality control Stock change Product categories Stock interfaces Stock counts Reorder policy Inquiries Allocations Inquiries Material Buyer Warehouse keeper MRP / Outside of MRP Enterprise workbench Receipts Storage plan Picking area reorder Deliveries Labelling How do the general roles and responsibilities in inventory/stocks equate to the functions in X3? Inter-site reorder Available stocks Returns Subcontractor reorder Projected stocks Stock adjustment Inquiries Stocks The stock/inventory functions (X3) by role

9 W1 W2 W3 Stocks What is stock?
By product … W1 W2 W3 Organization … of storage sites Receipt Main … by location site … managed by location type Storage Picking Mandatory attributes Product Site Status Stock unit Stock fractions Without management rules Product / Site/ Status With management rules Management by lot - Management on a homogenous sub-group of units - Expiry date - Title management - Quality control attributes Management by serial number - Management by stock unit Optional attributes Location Lot Serial no. Expiry Quality Stocks What is stock?

10 Stocks Integration within the ERP
Product Site Status Location Lot Serial no. Integration Purchases Production Allocations Sales / Production In progress Suggestion Input on WO (+) Reservation Purchase request Order Issue on WO (+) Physical Movements Stock change Receipt (+) Parent Product Assembly (+) Return (-) Movements Stock to stock Component Assembly (-) Sales Forecast Accounting Stock level (Counters) Quote Order Postings General accounting In progress (Provisional stocks) Delivery / Invoice (-) Stock journal (Movement history) Postings Analytical accounting Return / Credit memo (+) Stocks Integration within the ERP

11 Composition of a product stock
Site Status Location Lot Serial no. Organization Static stocks Provisional stocks Status stocks Physical stocks Reservation stocks Stocks in progress Validated Stock A By site Reserved Suggested S Q Controlled Stock By status Total allocated Planned P Rejected stock R By lot Allocated in detail Firm F With status Ax Rx Qx By location Missing stock Transit By serial number Transferred By Packing Unit STOCK, STOLOT STOLOC, ITMMVT STOALL STOJOU Stocks Composition of a product stock

12 Stock in progress management
In progress … for provisional stock management Resource forecast for stocks (STK quantity / for a given date) Requirement forecast for stocks (STK quantity / for a given date) Organization Table ORDERS Sales SOS Forecast SOP Quote Delivery request SOF Order Direct order Purchases POS Purchase suggestion MRP/ non-MRP POP Purchase request POF Production WOS MO suggestion MRP WOP MO planned WOF MO launched Stocks in progress Suggested Stock S Planned Stock P Firm Stock F Requirement B B B Resource R R R R R R B MWS B MWP B MWF Requirements Materials suggestion materials MRP Dynamic stock inquiry Available, available for sale Projected For a given date Stocks Stock in progress management

13 Integration within the ERP
Purchases PR / order resource Receipts (+) Returns (-) Production Management Parent product WO Component requirement WO Allocation on WO Subcontract flow Sales Order / quote requirements Allocation on order Allocation on delivery Delivery (-) / Loan (=) Return (+) Stocks General accounting FAR (Receipt) AAR (Return) Valuations - Receipt - Invoice Analytical accounting Document (Invoice) Stocks Integration within the ERP

14 Picking, subcontractor
Organization Reorder rules Valuation policy Logistics manager Flows Stock count rules Posting Stock reorder Keeping stock records Outside of MRP Dynamic inquiries Traceability Static inquiries MRP Planner Material Buyer Quality control Logistics agent Stock counts Allocation Reorder areas Picking, subcontractor Transfer Valuation Stock movements Receipt Storage Return Warehouse keeper Labelling Deliveries Change Adjustment Stocks Logical flow

15 Stock count adjustment
Picking area reorder Periodic stock count Distribution flow Flows Suggestions Calculation Count + Q status reception Quality record Picking location Stock count session Issue Analysis request Input Storage plan Stock count list Control entry Validation Put-away list Count entry - + - + - + Allocation Stock count adjustment Delivery - + - Stocks Examples of flows

16 Category / Product Other data Management rules
Managed / Not managed in stock Stock unit Packing unit(s) Management mode Location Lot Serial no. Expiry Title Negative stock authorized Other data Site Location type Location Data Common data Product tables Setups Counters Transactions Management rules Reorder method Allocation engine by movement nature Automatic assignment of locations by movement nature Valuation rules Accounting integration structure Stock count policy Stocks Common data

17 Valuation method Principles
By product category 7 valuation principles Standard price Revised standard price Last purchase price Weighed average price Lot price Principles Movement valuation Input Issue Movement adjustment On invoice Manually Restitution in the form of status Movement posting Valuation Common data Products Sites Accounts Dimensions Natures Setups Transaction Auto documents Default dimension Stock movements Accounting document SMVH GACCENTRY Site Journal no. Posting date Site Journal no. Posting date Debit Credit SMVD Product Quantity Value Account Dimension Nature GACCENTRYD BALANCE BALANA Stocks Stock valuation

18 Break

19 Demonstration

20 Demonstration of a flow example
Data / Flows User Personal remarks Categories Logistics manager Example Planner Products Reorder Logistics manager Reorder policy Logistics Manager Allocations Suggestions Planner Plans Receipt Logistics agent Stock movements Invoice Credit memo Stock valuation Accounting Stocks Demonstration of a flow example

21 Questions Answers

22 Thank you for your attention Enjoy the Stock projects

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