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Knights A step further from “Knights and Armor”. Two themes appeared in the movie “Knights and Armor”. 1.) Knights Armor 2.) Heraldry.

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Presentation on theme: "Knights A step further from “Knights and Armor”. Two themes appeared in the movie “Knights and Armor”. 1.) Knights Armor 2.) Heraldry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Knights A step further from “Knights and Armor”

2 Two themes appeared in the movie “Knights and Armor”. 1.) Knights Armor 2.) Heraldry

3 Knights Armor Knights were both an integral part of battle and of entertainment (tournaments) Their armor was imperative to their lord for multiple reasons

4 Helmet Visor Gorget Elbow Plate Greave Solleret Pauldron Breastplate Beasgew Skirt Cuisse Knee-Piece

5 Armor - Head Region Helmet- Protected the head in battle Visor- part of helmet, protected the eyes Gorget- a piece of steal that protected the throat

6 Armor- Above the Waist Pauldron- part of plate armor that covered the shoulder, armpit, and part of the back Beasgew- circular defenses that connected the plate armor to the arm protection Breastplate- Plate armor that covers the torso Elbow Plate- articulated piece of metal that covered the elbow

7 Armor Below the Waist Skirt-piece of metal that covers the waist and below, is the connection piece to the breastplate Cuisse-attach under the skirt and protects the thigh Knee-Piece- articulated piece that protects the knee Greave- piece of cloth or steel that protects the leg Solleret- metal that covers the foot, tapers off way past the toes

8 Heraldry Is the science of representing your family history and accomplishments. Represented family lines Heraldry was found on shields and banners during tournaments

9 Turn to page 144 in your textbook and lets read together!

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