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Full Bed Depth Stone (2”-5”)

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Presentation on theme: "Full Bed Depth Stone (2”-5”)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Full Bed Depth Stone (2”-5”)
Building stone comes in many different types. Some of the most common are: Sandstone, quartzite, quartzitic sandstone, limestone, travertine, marble and granite. Because of the harsh environment in which we live, the stones that we use externally must be selected carefully. Stone must be selected with the environment and climate in mind.

2 Building Stone comes in many shapes and sizes
Squares and Rec’s (Rectangles)-most stones need to be guillotined or sawn to get this pattern. It consists of random sizes of square and rectangular patterned stone. Guillotined Builder- has been snapped with a guillotine to expose the interior of the stone. The finish tends to be very rough. Random- irregular, more natural shaped stone. This tends to be used in the same shape it was quarried. Also tends to be flat of depth without a great amount of relief.

3 Building Stone shapes and sizes cont…
Rubble (Boulder)-is used in its natural state, similar to the Random stone but tends to be more round with a greater degree of relief. Ledge-is long and lineal of shape. The best ledge stone are those that form in a ledge pattern naturally like quartzite. Some other stones may be guillotined into a ledge shape.

4 Building Stone shapes and sizes cont…
Flagstone-is most often used as a floor stone. Flagstone must come from a sedimentary formation to (flag) properly. Float (Gathered) Stone-is not a quarried material but is gathered as it lays on the surface. This stone will often have colorful lichen. This stone is also called a Moss Rock even though it is usually not a true moss, but it is lichen that forms in the surface of the stone.

5 Three basic faces of building stone
Guillotined edge / Split Face- This consists of the center of the stone. The stone has been split or cut to expose its center. The natural coloring here tends to be more uniform from one piece to another. Natural Cleft- This is the face of the stone that is part of the natural seaming in the formation of the stone. Water, minerals and sometimes even air, have been able to effect the stone. This changes its colors making them more vibrant. Natural Ledge- Comes from the cracking that occurs during the formation of the stone. This also allows for the elements to effect the minerals in the stone making the colors varying and vibrant.

6 What is Natural Stone Thin Veneer?
In order to qualify as an Adhered Veneer, the stone needs to: Be less than 15 lbs/sq foot as described in the current Uniform Building Code and International Building Code. Be a nominal 1 ¼” thick but no more than 2 5/8”. Thicknesses may vary depending on the density of the stone. No more than 36” in any face dimension and no more than 5ft. (2) in overall surface area. Typically ½ or less than the thickness of Full bed depth veneer. Typically 25% or less of the weight of Full veneer. The average weight of Full veneer is about 50 lbs. per square foot.

7 Advantages of Natural Thin Veneer
With the reduction in thickness comes a significant reduction in weight. Natural Stone Thin Veneer does not require a reinforced foundation. Remodels and renovations are no problem as weight is not an issue. Natural Stone Thin Veneer can be applied to any building. Easy and less expensive to install than full thickness veneers. End users tend to save about 30% on installation costs alone. Installs the same way as manufactured stone only with a slightly different spec mix.

8 Disadvantages of Natural Stone Thin Veneer
Don’t have the extreme variation of depth (relief) as with Full bed depth veneers. Very difficult to create battered columns with a high degree of taper with out additional framing. Cost is going to be about 10 to 15% higher than manufactured stone.

9 Natural stone Thin Veneer
Installation for Thin Natural Stone Veneer

10 Please contact Bryce Harding at
Thank you for your time. This concludes the American Institute of Architects Continuing Education Program. Please contact Bryce Harding at Delta Stone Products, Inc. or Tony Branca at Mountain Valley Stone with questions or for more information. 10

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