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♥☺☺♥☺☺. Mrs Carrot and Mrs Heffron are Hillary Class’s teachers. They help us with are work and are very kind.

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Presentation on theme: "♥☺☺♥☺☺. Mrs Carrot and Mrs Heffron are Hillary Class’s teachers. They help us with are work and are very kind."— Presentation transcript:

1 ♥☺☺♥☺☺

2 Mrs Carrot and Mrs Heffron are Hillary Class’s teachers. They help us with are work and are very kind.

3 There is a girl called Alicia and she is my friend because she is kind and helps me if I hurt myself I’ve got another friend called Amy and she’s my friend because she plays with me.

4 In my class we have lots of different subjects like art, maths, literacy but my favourite subject is geography because we are working on weddings.

5 playground In the playground there is play equipment and in the playground there are numbers for hopscotch and lines for football.

6 Pupils Lily Jessica Joshua Kassi Morgan Lissie Luca Amy Charlie Katie Lewis Leila Harvey Kacy Daniel Ashleigh john Ajina Arjun

7 Library The library has lots of books.

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