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Physiography of Pluto From New Horizon Mission Data Arthur C. Tarr Venus Winds Project Denver Museum of Nature and Science 24 September 2015 Data sources:

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Presentation on theme: "Physiography of Pluto From New Horizon Mission Data Arthur C. Tarr Venus Winds Project Denver Museum of Nature and Science 24 September 2015 Data sources:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Physiography of Pluto From New Horizon Mission Data Arthur C. Tarr Venus Winds Project Denver Museum of Nature and Science 24 September 2015 Data sources: NASA/JHU-APL/SWRI; Kelly Beatty, Sky and Telescope, Nov. 2015

2 Pluto’s Geographic Grid Equator Prime Meridian

3 Pluto’s Portrate A Composite of 4 False Color Images Diameter: 2,370 km; Axial tilt: 51°; Mean temperature: 39K ; Atmospheric pressure (surface): 10 microbars INTERESTING FACTOID Pluto’s diameter is greater than Kuiper Belt object Eris but its mass is thought to be 28% less than Eris’ mass!


5 Pluto’s Major Geographical Regions (Cylindrical Projection)

6 Sputnik Planum

7 Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature International Astronomical Union (IAU) Working Group for Planetary System Nomenclature (WGPSN) Chaos, chaosesDistinctive area of broken terrain Collis, collesSmall hills or knobs Crater, cratersCircular depression Dorsum, dorsaRidge Fossa, fossaeLong narrow depression Linea, lineaeDark or bright elongate marking Macula, maculaeDark spot, may be irregular Mons, montesMountain(s) Planum, planaPlain(s) Regio, regionesLarge area with reflectivity contrasts Rima, rimaeLong narrow valley, fissure or channel Rupus, rupesScarp(s) Terra, terraeExtensive land mass

8 Chemical Components of Sputnik Planum Ice: Methane, Nitrogen, Carbon Monoxide

9 Northern Sputnik Planum S p u t n I k P l a n u m Bare Montes V i k i n g T e r r a Voyager Terra Pioneer Terra Hyabusa Terra Meteor Impact Craters F o s s a e Hillary Montes Meteor Impact Craters

10 Central Sputnik Planum Zheng He Montes Coleta de Dodoeas Colles Bare Montes a l – I d r I s M o n t e s V I k I n g T e r r a Challenger Colles S P U T N I K P L A N U M Hillary Montes Norgay Montes Hillary Montes and Norgay Montes are at 11,000 feet elevation, too tall to be made of N 2 and CH 4 ice. They are probably underlain by H 2 O ice which is very firm. Meandering interconnected channels outline irregular polygons 30- 60 km wide. Outflow debris field after ice melts.

11 Bare Montes and Vicinity B a r e M o n t e s D u n e F i e l d s ? D u n e F i e l d s ? D u n e s ? M e l t i n g I c e? O l d I c e? M e l t i n g I c e?

12 Chaos Regio a l – I d r i si M o n t e s S P U T N I K P L A N U M Irregular Polygons Channels Frozen Lake? Impact Craters G l a c i a l D e b r i s V I K I N G T E R R A

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