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Query Health Distributed Population Queries Implementation Group Meeting March 6, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Query Health Distributed Population Queries Implementation Group Meeting March 6, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Query Health Distributed Population Queries Implementation Group Meeting March 6, 2012

2 Agenda Where we are going Weekly Summary Clinical Operations Technical Important Announcements Open Discussion / Next Steps

3 Query Health Where We Are

4 Query Health Meeting Time Reminders Implementation Group Tuesdays 1:30pm-3:00pm EDT Clinical Working Group Wednesdays 12pm-1pm EDT Clinical Concept Mapping Sub-Working Group Tuesday 2:30pm-4pm EDT Operations Working Group Thursdays 11am-12pm EDT Pilots Sub-Working Group Thursdays 3:30pm-4:30pm EDT Technical Working Group Thursday 2pm-3 pm EDT

5 Action Items DescriptionOwnerStatusDue DateNotes Query Technical Approach education and review sessions continue Operations Working Group OpenComplete in early March Continue work on Query Health CEDD Crosswalk and Specification Working Group Participants OpenOngoing through mid-March Document posted to wiki for volunteer review and comments Volunteer for Query Health Pilots Working Group Participants OpenOngoing Finalize Concept to Code Mapping Best Practices Working Group Participants OpenMarch-April Review of presentation summaries posted on Wiki and extract key themes Working Group Participants OpenComplete in early March

6 Clinical Working Group March 6, 2012

7 Concept to Codes Last week –Discussion of 4 high level next steps and alignment to CEDD and Technical Workgroups –Discussion of Key Themes –Introduced the integration points of C2C within the Technical Expression Agenda for 3/6 – –i2B2 Walkthrough Discuss how ontologies are represented, where they come from and how it gets used to compose Queries. –IHE Shared Value Sets (SVS) Discuss how it applies to Query Composition Standard (HQMF) What does the standard provide? How can it be used in the Technical Framework? 7

8 Query Health CEDD Timeline

9 Review Query Health CEDD Specification – finalized implementation model alignment (i2b2 (PCIP), PopMedNet (ESP and Mini-Sentinel), and hQuery) –Version 0.2 specification posted to the wiki, and comments being dispositioned: –Finalize work with Clinical WG Volunteers to capture clinical examples to assist implementers –Working through additional crosswalk revisions, as shown here: dEtYR0lwenlJVWl6RC1vVnZuaEppeWc dEtYR0lwenlJVWl6RC1vVnZuaEppeWc –Additional meetings over next 2 weeks to finalize specification for initial consensus Query Health CEDD Crosswalk and Specification

10 Operations Working Group March 6, 2012

11 Operations Workgroup Activities and Next Steps Work Accomplished Resolved “No” vote with Community member regarding DUA Created new language to address concerns around the “Destruction of Data” clause in existing version of DUA Started Risk Analysis of Technical Approach Next Steps Review new “Destruction of Data” clause with workgroup Continue Risk Analysis of Technical Approach

12 Pilots Team Activities and Next Steps Work Accomplished Continued outreach to vendors and potential pilots Update from NYC/NYS Next Steps Ongoing communication with other potential pilot organizations

13 Technical Working Group March 6, 2012

14 RI Update RI Repository Link: PopMedNet Plugin Implementation on the Portal side completed. Staging site setup in the cloud owned by Lincoln Peak for testing plug-ins Release planning currently underway to determine the best time to release this version to the open source – Mid March timeframe i2B2 Design document done, going through internal i2B2 reviews. Expect to review the document soon. Next Steps: Integration of PopMedNet – i2B2 is being planned based on the design document. hQuery hQuery Integration with PopMedNet complete Able to go round trip from query composition to execution and viewing of results Need to continue testing and improving the integration Translators Keith Boone posted first version of translator for i2B2 XML to HQMF Marc Hadley and Team working on the HQMF to Java Script converter for execution by hQuery Gateway

15 Specification Updates HQMF IG document in progress and hope to review soon. Draft posted: Query Catalog for sample query representation and validation posted on wiki Draft posted: Need volunteers to fill this out, one query at a time Query Envelope Draft Specification posted Updated Transport / Authentication / Authorization requirements CEDD Draft Specification posted: EDD%29 EDD%29

16 QRDA Updates QRDA IG document in progress and hope to review soon. Draft posted: Srinivas has represented NQF 59 results and is posted on the wiki. Highlights of the discussion Add Business Names Represent Category II Link back to HQMF Need to retain Category I as is Need to decide on Measure Set / Measure Section etc.

17 IHE SVS Profile 10.pdf 10.pdf Trial implementation standard SVS defines the transmission protocols for a network access to a terminology server focused specifically on the distribution of Value Sets. 320 Why are we discussing this ? Queries in HQMF use value sets either inline or as an external link to a value set Sharing Value Sets (SVS) becomes very important in this regard. Should we standardize around this and make it part of our recommended technical standards ? Protocol for the Consumer Consumer side: Simple HTTP based protocol cane be used to retrieve the value set information Use a simple HTTP GET in a RESTful manner SOAP option also exists.

18 Next Steps Specification Reviews Review Query Envelope / CEDD / HQMF / QRDA Specification and post comments. Specification Usage Volunteers needed to represent Sample Queries using revised HQMF models and schemas. Volunteers requiring access to the code repository Please sign up for a google account at Project Repository - Sign up for the RI at

19 Important Announcements Additional community support for reference implementation development continues to be encouraged HQMF and QRDA representation support for NQF measures Sample Query Catalog review CEDD specification review Face to Face meeting coming up in April Focus on technical approach

20 The Road Ahead

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