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Pep7 PartA Unit6 hen egg comes from It comes from the hen. Where does the egg come from?

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2 Pep7 PartA Unit6

3 hen egg comes from It comes from the hen. Where does the egg come from?

4 A: Where does the ____ come from? B: It comes from the______. pork sweater ox beef

5 Hi! I’m little Rain Drop. Nice to meet you!


7 stream Where does the stream come from? It comes from the_________ rain

8 Oh, it’s hot! Ha,ha! I’m coming. Oh, I’m hot! Oh, it’s hot!

9 vapour Where does the vapour come from?Now I’m vapour. I’m vapour. I can fly! It comes from the_________ waterwater

10 sun ? ? ? How can the water become (变成) the vapour ? The sun shines, the water becomes the vapour.

11 Let’s play together. Now we are a cloud ! Where does the cloud come from? It comes from the_________ vapourvapour






17 Oh, I’m falling.


19 I’m little Rain Drop. I sleep in the ___________. The ___________ comes out. I am very hot. Now I am _____________. I see my sisters and brothers. We play together.Now I am a__________. Oh, I am heavy.I am falling( 掉落 ). Now I am_______________. vapoursuncloudrainstream

20 1. Where does the rain come from? 2. Where does the cloud come from? 3. Where does the vapour come from? 4. Where does the water come from?

21 vapour ( ) stream sun cloud rain Where does the come from ? It comes from the.

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