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1 Status report on full detector simulation for RENO experiment Seoul National University June 22, 2006 Eun-Ju Jeon.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Status report on full detector simulation for RENO experiment Seoul National University June 22, 2006 Eun-Ju Jeon."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Status report on full detector simulation for RENO experiment Seoul National University June 22, 2006 Eun-Ju Jeon

2 2 Outline Geometry of full detector simulation Event generator for inverse beta decay Gd support for GLG4sim Scintillating process Summary

3 3 (1) Geometry of full detector simulation

4 4  Conceptual scheme for RENO

5 5 Target vessel Gamma catcher Buffer tank Veto tank Cavern (Tunnel arch + pit) Rock 5000 3750 7500 8750 9250 1800 2000 12001400 500

6 6 2800 2000 2750 2569 1800 2238 2475 2623 84 8-inch PMT Gamma catcher Buffer tank PMT

7 7 RadiusHeightThicknessMaterialElements Target vessel 1200280012AcrylicScintillator Gamma catcher 180040008AcrylicScintillator Buffer tank 275056004StainlessMineral oil Veto tank3500700015Stainlesswater (lengths in millimeters) Target’s volume:  *1.2 2 *2.8 = 12.7 m 3 ~ 약 13 ton  참고로  *1.4 2 *3.2 = 19.7 m 3 ~ 약 20 ton  *1.5 2 *3.0 = 21.2 m 3 ~ 약 21 ton)

8 8

9 9

10 10 (2) Event generator for inverse beta decay

11 11  Inverse Beta Decay Event

12 12

13 13 neutrino kinetic energy distribution

14 14 Positron kinetic energy distribution

15 15 Neutron kinetic energy distribution

16 16 (3) Gd support for GLG4sim

17 17 현재 RENO 실험을 위한 full detector simulation 에서는 target vessel 을 채우는 interior material 성분들은, mineral oil 80% pseudocumene 20% PPO fraction 1.5g/l gadolinium 0.1%  Gadolinium support for GLG4sim 기존의 scintillator 를 구성하던 물질들

18 18  Define basic Gd-doped scintillator (adapted from

19 19  w/o scintillating process

20 20

21 21

22 22 0.01% Gd-loaded0.1% Gd-loaded

23 23 (4) Scintillating process

24 24  w/o scintillating process  with scintillating process

25 25

26 26 Summary 0 th version of full detector MC simulation for RENO experiment is nearly finished. 0 th version MC simulation will allow rapid progress to feasibility studies of many detector design features.

27 27 Time-consuming? Spatial distribution Capture time Reconstruction To-do list

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