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SAHANIVASA. What Components does ASHA fund 1)Coaching centers for primary schools and 10 th standard – MIT / Boston 2)Coaching centers for 7 th standard.

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Presentation on theme: "SAHANIVASA. What Components does ASHA fund 1)Coaching centers for primary schools and 10 th standard – MIT / Boston 2)Coaching centers for 7 th standard."— Presentation transcript:


2 What Components does ASHA fund 1)Coaching centers for primary schools and 10 th standard – MIT / Boston 2)Coaching centers for 7 th standard – Silicon Valley 3)Rehabilitation of Tsunami victims in Tada Mandal – Asha Wide 4)NREGA – Still under review by SV & Seattle

3 Background Project reference came to ASHA through AID Was a WAH project in 2000 Partially supported by Seattle in the third year Started off with coaching for 10 th class students Then expanded the program to primary school classes Due to numerous requests from parents started 7 th class coaching Started the Tsunami project support in 2006 Currently pursuing approval for a proposal for NREGA awareness campaign

4 Highlights Motivation and formation of Parents Committees (these committees go on to monitor the performance of schools) Motivation / mobilization of Children thru cultural performances Enrolment of Children while paying attention to first timers, drop outs failed pupils etc. Teacher training thrice every year Coaching for 7 th and 10 th classes both before and after school Coaching for primary classes after school During summer months (after 10 th class exams) run a 30 day cycle campaign in the project area to spread awareness about child labor, importance of literacy etc

5 Highlights – contd … Tackling the problem of migration by creating a system where the old people of the village take care of the children. 10 th graduates are either going for higher education (by utilizing the reservation policies) or joining technical / vocational courses. –These students have developed the culture of relating to the community in whatever the manner is possible to strengthen the education process in the village Importance is also given to retaining the 10 th class passed students in the community. –This helps tremendously in improving awareness. Ex: Educated youth form the backbone in campaign activities for NREGA etc

6 Budget Details – 10 th Standard S.n o. ParticularsStudents contrib ution Jun 07 - Mar 08 Jun 06 - Mar 07 1 Teachers honorarium 3,60,00 0 2,88,000 10 centers X 3 teachers X Rs.1, 200 per month X 10 months 2 Education materials and stationery 25,00020,000 Each center Rs.2, 500 X 10centers 3 Teacher’s Monthly meetings, Travel and Food for the day 27,00021,600 @ Rs.75X 30 X 12m months 4 Campaign against Child Labour 27,00022,500 30 Cycles Hire X Rs. 25 per day for 30 days 7,500 Lunch & Night Food Arrangements Rs. 30 X 30 days X 30 Students Meeting Arrangements Rs. 250 per day X 30 days Total Rs.27,0004,42,0003,59,600 Total $ $10,917$8,267

7 Budget Details – Primary Schools Particulars Students Contribution 06-0707-08 1Educational Kits 2500X Rs. 3 7,500 2Parents motivational meetings:10,00020,000 20 villages X Rs.1500/- per meeting 3Teachers Trainings: 20 teachers X Rs.2000 per head10,00030,000 4Teachers Monthly Meetings, Travel and Food for the day 13,500 @ Rs. 75 X 15 X 12 months 4Center arrangements- Electricity charges and maintenance Rs.1,500/- per center X15 Centers 7,50015,000 5Strengthening of children’s club Rs.1,000 per center (conduct competitions on skills, exposure and etc., 15,000 6Teachers honorarium 15 persons X Rs.500 X 12 months 90,000

8 Budget Details – Primary Schools Contd … 7Coordinator salary Rs.6000 X 12 months 72,000 8Coordinators Travel to monitor all three projects 18,000 @ Rs.1,500 X 12 Months 8Stationary, Xerox, Fax, Phones and Communication for all three Programs @ Rs.2,000 X 12 months 24,000 9Office Secretary cum Accountant, Rs.3,000 X 12 months 36,000 10Audit for all the four programmes 5,000 Total Rs 27,5003,46,000 Total $ $8,543 $7,954

9 Budget history YearSupport in dollarsRs. 1999-2000200085,660 2000-2001114345,58,116 2001-2002121685,38,598 2002-2003120005,84,493 2003-2004128005,74,740 2004-2005144406,24,073 2005-2006*6,97,594 2006-2007*9,48,420 * - Dollar amounts not available

10 10 th class pass % profile YearNo. of studentsNo. of centers % of PassNo. of teachers employed 1999-001903359 2000-0129657715 2001-0228467918 2002-03550791.6919 2003-0466987925 2004-0537388725 2005-06495882.7824 2006-0740688924

11 Future Direction 7 th standard board exam has been cancelled. Sahanivasa requested to move the 7 th standard coaching to 9 th standard coaching. –Will continue with 7 th this year and then move to 9 th from next year. Recent talk about expanding the program to all classes from 7 th through 10 th. –Pros: will improve the results. –Cons: are we addressing the real problem? Long association with Sahanivasa gives us a unique advantage We should attempt to track the progress of children –To assess the pass % and dropout rates in case of primary schools –To assess the career progress in case of 10 th class students –Overall economic progress of the community – (metrics ???) How long should we keep funding this project? (self sustainability issues)

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