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Paso del Norte Watershed Council Recent Activities October 23, 2003.

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1 Paso del Norte Watershed Council Recent Activities October 23, 2003

2 New Officers Elected for 2003-2004 Chair: Sue Watts Assistant Chair: Julie Maitland Secretary: Valerie Provencio Treasurer: Ari Michelsen

3 2003-2004 Executive Committee Kevin Bixby, SWEC Christopher Brown, NMSU Tim Darden, NM Department of Agriculture Miguel Flores, INIFAP Alfredo Granados, UACJ Inga Groff, El Paso League of Women Voters Ed Hamlyn, UTEP Brian Hanson, US Fish and Wildlife Julie Maitland, NM Department of Agriculture Ari Michelsen, TAES/TAMU Jennifer Atchley Montoya, WWF Valerie Provencio, EPWU Carlos Rincon, Environmental Defense Dan Santantonio, City of Las Cruces Zhuping Sheng, TAES Rosemary Staley, City of El Paso Jim Stefanov, US IBWC Marylin Taylor, Community of El Paso Beatriz Vera, Rio Grande/Rio Bravo Basin Coalition Sue Watts, Texas Tech

4 Education/Outreach Committee Spanish version of brochureSpanish version of brochure Second brochure for general publicSecond brochure for general public Explore submitting a grant proposal for the EPA Border 2012 programExplore submitting a grant proposal for the EPA Border 2012 program

5 $ 1.2 Million Available for Border Environment Projects The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is soliciting grant proposals for projects along the border that address objectives of the U.S.-Mexico Border 2012 Program. The U.S.-Mexico Border 2012 Program is a new binational 10- year cooperative plan aimed at protecting public health and the environment along the 2,000-mile border region where almost 12 million citizens of both countries live. The program's objectives are to decrease air, water, waste and soil pollution, and to lower the risks of exposure to pesticides and other chemicals. EPA grant funds have been successfully invested in dozens of infrastructure projects in the United States and Mexico, such as the first-ever wastewater plant in Cuidad Juárez. Grant funding has educated communities on both sides of the border in Spanish and English through the Indoor Air Awareness Campaign in El Paso and by training field workers on the safety of drinking water in Webb County, Texas. To apply, organizations must be located in the United States and can include border states, multi-state/tribal organizations, universities, local governments and non-governmental organizations. Pre-proposals must be post-marked by midnight Dec. 31, 2003.

6 American Heritage Rivers Initiative Bi-Annual Meeting El Paso, Texas November 3 - 4, 2003 "Our Texas Treasure: The Mighty Rio Grande" at the El Paso Convention and Performance Center AHRI began in 1998 and provides each river a river navigator who acts as the liaison representing 18 federal agencies which assist the river communities to be creative in developing a community based program. This program assists them in making a difference by fostering community pride, improving quality of life and strengthening economics by leveraging federal monies. This initiative encompasses themes of historic preservation, economic development, and protecting the environment. The EPA has taken the lead as River Navigator for the Rio Grande and is co-hosting this meeting with the Rio Grande/Rio Bravo Basin Coalition. For complete meeting information visit our website or go directly to the EPA website,

7 Water Festival 2003 Presented by WERC: A Consortium for Environmental Education and Technology Development held October 22 (yesterday) at Irvin High School in El Paso for elementary school students grades 3-5

8 Conrad Keyes attended the October 9, 2003 of the Steering Committee

9 2004 EPA Watershed Initiative Proposals The president has asked Congress for a $21 million appropriation for grants to support community-based approaches and activities to help local water resources. For 2004, the Agency is continuing its focus on approaches aimed to provide quick, measurable environmental results, partnerships, innovation, and program integration. In addition, this year more emphasis will be placed on market-based approaches and other socio-economic strategies and the serious and growing hypoxia problem facing the Gulf of Mexico. Nominations by the country's governors and tribal leaders for the second year of grants competition will be due to EPA on or before Jan. 15, 2004. The Agency will then evaluate and rank each submission based on a set of criteria outlined in today's notice. Final selections of the watershed grantees will be announced next spring. To access the Federal Register Notice when published and other information about the Watershed Initiative go to:

10 Next meeting of the Watershed Council Executive Committee Wednesday October 29, 2003 9:30am to noon New Mexico Department of Agriculture New Mexico State University Las Cruces, NM Nancy Hanks, Ph.D.

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