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What’s Happening at Internet2 Renee Woodten Frost Associate Director Middleware and Security 8 March 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "What’s Happening at Internet2 Renee Woodten Frost Associate Director Middleware and Security 8 March 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 What’s Happening at Internet2 Renee Woodten Frost Associate Director Middleware and Security 8 March 2005

2 2  Copyright Renee Woodten Frost, 2005. This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.

3 3 Internet2 Mission and Goals Internet2 Mission  Develop and deploy advanced network applications and technologies, accelerating the creation of tomorrow’s Internet. Internet2 Goals  Enable new generation of applications  Re-create leading edge R&E network capability  Transfer technology and experience to the global production Internet

4 4 Internet2 Universities 206 University Members, March 2005

5 5 Internet2 Corporate Partners

6 6 Internet2 Partnerships Internet2 universities are recreating the partnerships that fostered the Internet in its infancy Industry Government International Additional Participation  Over 60 Internet2 Corporate Members  Over 40 Affiliate Members  New Association Member Category  Over 30 International Partners

7 7 Sponsored Education Group Participants

8 8 Internet2 Governance Structure  Internet2 Board of Trustees  Four Advisory Councils : Applications Strategy Council Industry Strategy Council Networking Planning and Policy Advisory Council Network Research Liaison Council

9 9 Challenges to the Future of the Internet  Network architecture scalability  End-to-end performance  Limited reach of advanced capabilities  Abuse of network resources by applications  Security: Authentication & privacy  Reduced investment in the Internet commons

10 10 Internet2 Today MotivateEnable End-to-end Performance Networks Middleware Applications Services Security

11 11 Internet2 Emphasis  Advanced Network Infrastructure  End-to-End Performance  Middleware  Security  International Connections  Applications

12 12 High Performance Networks

13 13 Optical Networking  National LambdaRail – Enabling fiber infrastructure to support networks: –for research and development of Internet technologies and protocols –new applications and services  FiberCo – A fiber holding company; holds national/regional fiber assets with the capability of assignment to other organizations  Hybrid Optical and Packet Infrastructure Project – a facility for experimenting with future network technologies, infrastructures, and architectures

14 14 End-to-End Performance Initiative Goals and Deployment  Provide performance information to end-users and network operators  Develop new performance test options and tools for network engineers  Make performance data publicly available  Establish an interoperable performance framework

15 15 Middleware  Middleware is the stuff that makes “transparent use” happen, providing persistency, consistency, security, privacy, and capability

16 16 Federated Authentication  Scalable, decentralized infrastructure  Critical to a broad range of initiatives  Being adopted and implemented Industry International partners  Middleware is an increasingly enabling element  Examples: Shibboleth

17 17 Security  Require network security approaches that: Minimally compromise network performance and allow applications requiring advanced network services to function Sustain, in so far as possible, the end-to-end nature of the Internet architecture  Network security, host software, and middleware become inter-dependent  Example: Internet2/EDUCAUSE Task Force, Security at Line Speed Workshop

18 18 International Partnerships  Ensure global interoperability of the next generation of Internet technologies and applications  Enable global collaboration in research and education providing/promoting the development of an advanced networking environment internationally  International Partners build effective partnerships in other countries with organizations of similar goals/objectives and similar constituencies Mechanism: Memoranda of Understanding

19 19 International Partnerships Current MoU Partners Developing Partnerships Related Efforts in Formation

20 20 Advanced Networking in Action

21 21 Applications Priorities  Advance a vision for applications that motivate and, in turn, are enabled by cyberinfrastructure  Promote large scale adoption of common applications  Address the critical needs of research subcommunities  Maintain openness to innovation at the edge  Examples: Internet2 Commons, eVLBI

22 22 Keys to the Future of the Internet  Connectivity Reliable Scalable High performance  Architectural evolution  Reach  Ease of use, privacy, and security  Integration with advanced applications

23 23 Imperatives for the Advanced Networking Community  Continue to provide leadership  Make real progress in Internet technology Beyond connectivity: performance, security, and reliability Meet requirements beyond the reach of evolutionary change  Work together No organization, national or regional can succeed in isolation

24 24 More Internet2 Information  On the Web  Email

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