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Achieving the MDGs: RBA Training Workshop Module 2: Managing an Effective Process May 9-12, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Achieving the MDGs: RBA Training Workshop Module 2: Managing an Effective Process May 9-12, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Achieving the MDGs: RBA Training Workshop Module 2: Managing an Effective Process May 9-12, 2005

2 Managing an Effective and Inclusive MDG Planning Process  Guiding principles  Organizing the process  Timeline  Human resource needs  Examples of ongoing country processes

3 Guiding Principles  High-level political commitment  Nationally-owned  Integrated into on-going processes  Inclusive with participation from key actors  Transparent  Regularly reviewed

4 Illustrative Organizational Structure Office of the President/Prime Minister/ Ministry of Planning and Finance MDG Strategy Group (led by Ministry of Finance or Planning, participation from line ministries, representation from UNCT) Thematic Working Groups (led by line ministries, including civil society, donors and UNCT, among others, covering different investment clusters such as rural and urban development, health, education, gender equality, environment, science and technology)

5 Illustrative Timelines

6 Human Resource Needs Key actors: roles and responsibilities  UN Country Team substantive and technical support:  Coordinator to support Ministry of Planning/Finance  Agency technical focal points for line ministries and participation in relevant working groups  UN coordinator to liaise with UNCT and with the IFIs  Donors »Representation in the working groups »Relevant technical support

7 Human Resource Needs (continued) Key actors: roles and responsibilities  Government  Overall coordinator from Ministry of Finance and Planning/office of President/office of Prime Minister  Ministerial leadership in each working group  1 analyst under each relevant line ministry (8-10 ministries)  1 population specialist, working closely with all ministries  1 macroeconomist working with Ministry of Finance/Planning to link with budgetary processes

8 Sample Country Process Key actors: roles and responsibilities  ETHIOPIA »SDPRP revision due in September 2005 »MDG Needs Assessment launched in August 2004 »MDG Needs Assessment drafts ready by December 2004 »Stakeholder workshop and consultations »Current focus: synthesis and macroframework »May-September 2005: SDPRP revision »Existing PRSP technical teams brought into process »UN Agencies supported analysts in each sector »UNDP coordinated with WB/UNCT together with the Government »

9 Consultations Key actors: roles and responsibilities  Inclusion of broad set of stakeholders in working groups  Regular stakeholder workshops before, during and after preparation of needs assessments  Review of draft MDG PRS before finalization »

10 Questions for Discussion Key actors: roles and responsibilities  What are existing PRS structures in your country?  Would these structures and processes need to be revised to undertake MDG based planning?  What are the key challenges for an effective process to prepare an MDG based PRS? »

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