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Paul VanRaden Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory Beltsville, MD, USA 2004 NAAB Update : Base Change, Udder Health, Longevity,

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Presentation on theme: "Paul VanRaden Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory Beltsville, MD, USA 2004 NAAB Update : Base Change, Udder Health, Longevity,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Paul VanRaden Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory Beltsville, MD, USA 2004 NAAB Update : Base Change, Udder Health, Longevity, Fertility

2 NAAB DSEC (2)P.M. VanRaden 2004 Genetic Gain 1995-2000 HOJEBSGUAYMS Protein1916 1286 Fat1816201696 Milk588448480426259233 Prod. Life. SCS.01 -.04.02-.01.02 DPR-.1-.2.0

3 NAAB DSEC (3)P.M. VanRaden 2004 SCS and DPR Breed Means HOJEBSGUAYMS 1995 SCS3.103.313.093.212.933.03 2000 SCS3.093.342.943.312.973.07 SCS mean diff.-.01.03-.15.10.04 1995 cow DPR.4.2.6-.3-.1.5 DPR change-.3.0-.4.5.1-.5

4 NAAB DSEC (4)P.M. VanRaden 2004 Udder Health Scales CtryUnitMeanSDDirCtryUnitMeanSDDir USAPTA3.1.22-NLDRBV1004+ CANPTA3.0.25-DNKRBV1005+ BELEBV3.0.47-SWERBV1007+ JPNEBV2.4.42-DEURBV10012+ AUSEBV0.11-ITASTA41+ GBRPTA013-FRASTA01+ HUNSTA01-ESPSTA01+

5 NAAB DSEC (5)P.M. VanRaden 2004 Convert SCS to Udder Health?  PTA UH = -5 (PTA SCS – breed avg)  Reversed scale with mean 0, SD 1  Interpreted like linear trait STA’s  Positive numbers are favorable  Range similar to DPR, PL  Udder Health is term of Interbull

6 NAAB DSEC (6)P.M. VanRaden 2004 Longevity Trend Testing  USA Method 2 results (DYD trend)  HO bias = -.006, < limit =.035  BS, GU bias (-.035,.032) near limit  JE, AY bias (-.072, -.089) over limit  Method 3 (data cutoff) OK for HO  Interbull rejected 5 of 15 countries

7 NAAB DSEC (7)P.M. VanRaden 2004 Use of MACE Longevity  Compare USA and MACE REL  MACE for single-trait (direct) PL only  AIPL then combines other trait info  Label multi-trait PL as MACE  Get foreign bull DPR from MACE PL  Better PL implies better DPR  Predict foreign DPR from PL, SCS, etc

8 NAAB DSEC (8)P.M. VanRaden 2004 Single vs Multi-Trait PL  Used Nov ‘01 to predict Feb ’04 PTA PL 5% benefit expected, 3% observed 547 bulls born >1995 (before vs after 1 st crop daus).1 decline in multi-trait PTA PL 3% benefit expected, 1% observed 309 bulls born 1992-94 (1 st vs 2 nd crop daus).4 decline in multi-trait PTA PL  Yield correlations have been reduced  Fertility correlation now included

9 NAAB DSEC (9)P.M. VanRaden 2004 Cows Sold Before 1 st Test  Some contribute to PL (since 2004)  Database modified to store fresh dates with 0 tests (like heifers)  1 DRPC does not receive these, may be partial reporting (also CE?)  PL daus > milk daus for more bulls

10 NAAB DSEC (10)P.M. VanRaden 2004 Yield Trait Scales  Age-parity adjustments differ  16 of 25 countries adjust to average parity  5 adjust to mature, 4 adjust to 1st parity  Separate lactation proofs available  True protein in 5 of 21 countries:  AUS, FRA, HUN, POL, USA (as of 2000)  True% = Crude% -.19 (e.g. 3.00% vs 3.19%)  Protein yield (kg) reduced by 5-6%

11 NAAB DSEC (11)P.M. VanRaden 2004 Adjust Yield to Average Age?  Proposed by USDA in 1994  Recommended by Holstein GAC, Oct 1994  Vetoed by Council “to allow the industry time to consider the nature and effect of such a change.”  Mature EBV kg = 36 mo PTA lb  PTA lb / EBV kg = 2.2 / 2 = 1.1  Reduced age divides by 1.1  New Holstein base SD will multiply by 1.11  Other breed SD increase by 1.05 to 1.18

12 NAAB DSEC (12)P.M. VanRaden 2004 Conformation Scales  Standardized Transmitting Ability  Mean = 0, SD = 1  9 of 21 countries: CHE, CZE, DNK, FRA, HUN, GBR, ITA, JPN, USA  Relative Breeding Values  Mean = 100, SD = 4, 7, 10, 12  8 countries in northern Europe  PTA, EBV, or other (4 countries)  Convert USA minor breeds from PTA to STA?

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