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Published byAmos Hart Modified over 9 years ago
2644. Dr S M van Dyk (DA) to ask the Minister of Labour: (1)Whether, with reference to her reply to question 1208 on 24 June 2013, any performance bonuses were paid to any other staff in her department in the 2012-13 financial year; if so, what is the total (a) number of staff that received bonuses and (b) amount paid out by her department for these bonuses; (2)what percentage of outputs were achieved by her department as measured against each target set in its Annual Performance Plan in the 2012- 13 financial year?NW3133E
The Department of Labour Annual Report (Performance Information) for the Financial Year 2012/13 2013.10.17
INTRODUCTION : THE DOL STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES 4 1.Contribute to employment creation 2.Promote equity in the labour market 3.Protecting vulnerable workers 4.Strengthening multilateral and bilateral relations 5.Strengthening social protection 6.Promoting sound labour relations 7.Monitoring the impact of legislation 8.Strengthening the institutional capacity of the Department
Performance Indicator on track but experiencing delays 40 – 74% Complete Performance Indicator reflects complete implementation 75 - 100% Complete Performance Indicator behind schedule 0 – 39% Complete LEGEND
6 BRANCH CONTRIBUTION TO THE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN (APP) 2012/13 BRANCH Planned IndicatorsAchieved Partially Achieved Not Achieved Not Reported Overall Achievement Administration332184064% Inspections and Enforcement Services12552042% Public Employment Services15744047% Labour Policy and Industrial Relations231922083% OVERALL PERFORMANCE835219120 63% PERFORMANCE %63%23%14%0%
7 ACHIEVEMENTS ON STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES DURING THE FINANCIAL YEAR 2012/13 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES ANNUAL ACTUAL OUTPUT - VALIDATED Overall Achievement Planned IndictorsAchieved Partially Achieved Not AchievedNot Reported Contribute to employment creation 15744047% Promote equity in the labour market 4310075% Protecting vulnerable workers 12732058% Strengthening multilateral and bilateral relations 5410080% Strengthening social protection 6222033% Promoting sound labour relations 55000100% Monitoring the impact of legislation 33000100% Strengthening the institutional capacity of the Department 332184064% OVERALL PERFORMANCE 835219120 63% 23%14%0%
OVERVIEW OF THE DOL’S STRATEGIC PLAN AND ESTIMATES FOR NATIONAL EXPENDITURE (ENE) KEY PEFORMANCE INDICATORS FOR 2012/2013 8 ENE KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS PLANNED ACTUAL ACHIEVEMENT % ACHIEVED 1.Number of workplaces inspected87 795101 792116% (Page 37 of the Annual Report) 2. Percentage of labour complaints resolved within specified number of days of receipt at Registration Services 70% resolved within 14 days 67%67% (73 786 of 110 252) resolved. 67% is 96% of 70% P 39 3. Number of work seekers registered on the employment services system for South Africa 450 000600 259133% work seekers registered P 45 4. Number of work seekers placed in job opportunities and/or referred to other Services 90 000 (18 000 placed and 72 000 referred) 412 343 (16 171 placed and 396 172 referred) 90% of the target placed 550% of the target referred. P 46 5.Number of employers registering vacancies on the Employment Services System for South Africa 3 000 (From 2000 to 3000). 1000 planned target per annum 2 620262% P 47 6.Number of sectoral determinations reviewed and published 56120% P 53
10 Program 1: Administration OUTCOME 12: AN EFFICIENT, EFFECTIVE, AND DEVELOPMENT ORIENTED PUBLIC SERVICE AND AN EMPOWERED AND INCLUSIVE CITIZENSHIP Strategic Objective 8: Strengthening the institutional capacity of the Department KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ANNUAL TARGETS PROGRESS 1. Percentage of final reports issued as per timeframes indicated in the approved annual audit plan 85% final reports issued as per timeframes indicated in the approved annual audit plan 89.6% (29 planned and 26 finalised/issued) was achieved 2. Percentage of finalisation of the fraud cases received and detected 87% of cases received or detected finalised by the year end 57% (47 cases received and 27 finalised) 3. Percentage of pre-employment screening applications processed to State Security Agency (SSA) within a specified timeframe 70% pre-employment screening applications processed to State Security Agency (SSA) within two weeks 355 requests for Public Service Commission were received and 226 (63.6%) finalised and 129 (36.3%) outstanding
11 Administration - continues OUTCOME 12: AN EFFICIENT, EFFECTIVE, AND DEVELOPMENT ORIENTED PUBLIC SERVICE AND AN EMPOWERED AND INCLUSIVE CITIZENSHIP Strategic Objective 8: Strengthening the institutional capacity of the Department KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ANNUAL TARGETS PROGRESS 4. Percentage increase of security vetting of staff in the department 8% of staff in the Department vetted A total of 513 (6.8%) of the 1 374 requests from the staff complement of 7495 was vetted by end of March 2013. 5. Percentage of women, youth and people with disability (PwD) employed in line with the EE Plan 40% women employed in Senior Management Service (SMS), 43% youth and 3% people with disability employed in DoL by 31 March 2013 As at the 31 March 2013, Women are 39%, Youth are 35.3% and PwDs are 2.5%. a.Total number of women at SMS level (33) / by total number of filled at SMS (85) x 100 = 38.8 % (39 %) b.Total number of youth in DoL (2648) / by total number of filled posts in DoL (7495) x 100 = 35.3 % c.Total number of PwDs (189) / by total number of filled posts in DoL (7495) x 100 = 2.5 %
12 Administration - continues OUTCOME 12: AN EFFICIENT, EFFECTIVE, AND DEVELOPMENT ORIENTED PUBLIC SERVICE AND AN EMPOWERED AND INCLUSIVE CITIZENSHIP Strategic Objective 8: Strengthening the institutional capacity of the Department KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ANNUAL TARGETS PROGRESS 6. Percentage reduction of vacancies by financial year end Vacancy rate reduced to below 7% by 31 March 2013 As the 31 March 2013, the vacancy rate was 7%. 7. Percentage of staff trained in line with Workplace Skills Plan (WSP) 82% of Department’s staff trained in accordance with approved WSP by 31 March 2013 82.47% (5402 of the 6550) staff was trained 8. Percentage of misconduct cases finalised within a prescribed period of time 75% of misconduct cases finalised in line with applicable prescripts by 31 March 2013 78% (234 of 300) cases were finalised in line with applicable prescripts by end March. 9. Percentage of Court Papers to resolve Litigation filed with the Court within specified period 80% of Court Papers to resolve Litigation filed within 10 days of receipt 77% (51 of 66) court papers to resolve Litigation were filed within 10 days of receipt 10. Percentage of elements of the ICT strategy implemented 50% of the ICT strategic plan components implemented 50% of ICT strategic elements completed
13 Program 2: Inspection and Enforcement Services (IES) OUTCOME 4: DECENT EMPLOYMENT THROUGH INCLUSIVE ECONOMIC GROWTH Strategic Objective 2: Promote Equity in the Labour Market KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ANNUAL TARGETSPROGRESS 1. Number of workplaces reviewed for compliance with employment equity (EE) Legislation 240 employers reviewed comply Public Companies (116) Private Companies (124) 269 Public companies (87) Private companies (182) (Page 36 of the Annual Report) Table 1: Employers inspected Prov. Annual Target (Public companies) Actual reviewed (Public companies) Annual Target (Private companies ) Actual reviewed (Private companies) EC 162 (13%)912 (133%) FS 17 17 (100%)00 GP 2529 (116%)3045 (150%) KZN 172 (12%)3534 (97%) LP 1614 (88%)616 (266%) MP 66 (100%)1121 (190%) NC 32 (67%)713 (186%) NW 109 (90%)611 (183%) WC 66 (100%)2020 (100%) NATIONAL 11687 (75%)124182 (147%)
14 IES - continues OUTCOME 4: DECENT EMPLOYMENT THROUGH INCLUSIVE ECONOMIC GROWTH Strategic Objective 3: Protecting Vulnerable Workers KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORSANNUAL TARGETSPROGRESS 1. Number of workplaces inspected to determine their compliance levels in terms of the relevant labour legislation 87 795 workplaces inspected101 792 (116%) against a target of 87 795 workplaces were inspected and 55 438 (55%) complied, and 46 354 (45%) did not comply (P 37) T able 2: Number of workplaces inspected Prov.TargetActual inspectedNo. compliedNo. not complying EC 11112 12843 6820 (53%) 6023 FS 8287 8550 6446 (75%) 2104 GP 17027 18108 11026 (60%) 7082 KZN 16092 17992 9498 (53%) 8494 LP 10627 10730 5171 (48%) 5559 MP 7519 7418 3260 (44%) 4158 NC 3844 4408 3069 (70%) 1339 NW 5226 10197 6886 (66%) 3311 WC 8061 11546 3262 (29%) 8284 NATIONAL 87795 101792 55438 (55%) 46354
15 IES - continues OUTCOME 4: DECENT EMPLOYMENT THROUGH INCLUSIVE ECONOMIC GROWTH Strategic Objective 3: Protecting Vulnerable Workers KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORSANNUAL TARGETSPROGRESS 2. Number of non-complying workplaces of those inspected dealt with in terms of the relevant enforcement regime (relevant labour legislation) Follow‐up all non-complying workplaces of those inspected 10 880 (23%) follow-up inspections against a target of 46 354 workplaces were inspected; and 10 588 (97%) complied. (P 38) T able 3: Number of workplaces inspected-follow-up Prov.Follow-up inspectionsActual inspectedActual complied EC 602329843975 (133%) FS 2104516478 (93%) GP 708216741122 (67%) KZN 84941044824 (79%) LP 55591475765 (52%) MP 4158421391 (93%) NC 1339188167 (89%) NW 3311422329 (78%) WC 828421562537 (118%) NATIONAL 4635410880 10588 (97%)
16 IES - continues OUTCOME 4: DECENT EMPLOYMENT THROUGH INCLUSIVE ECONOMIC GROWTH Strategic Objective 3: Protecting Vulnerable Workers KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ANNUAL TARGETS PROGRESS 3. Percentage of labour complaints resolved within a specified number of days of receipt at Registration Services Settle 70% of received complaints within 14 days 67% (73 786 of 110 252) complaints were resolved within 14 days (P 39) Table 4: Complaints management Prov.TargetNumber receivedNumber resolved% Resolved EC 70% 6862384356 FS 70%6299495779 GP 70%440733003768 KZN 70%12671988578 LP 70%9154518757 MP 70%139091089178 NC 70%3226193260 NW 70%8413549765 WC 70%5645175731 NATIONAL 70%11025273786 67%
17 IES - continues OUTCOME 4: DECENT EMPLOYMENT THROUGH INCLUSIVE ECONOMIC GROWTH Strategic Objective 5: Strengthening Social Protection KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ANNUAL TARGETS PROGRESS 1. Number of workplaces audited to determine their compliance levels in terms of Occupational Health and Safety Legislation 41 965 workplaces audited 26 333 (63%) against a target of 41 965 workplaces were audited, and 13 640 (52%) complied, and 12 593 (48%) did not comply (p 40) Table 5: Workplaces audited Prov.TargetNumber auditedNumber complyingNo. not complying EC 2339 1826 1167 (64%) 659 FS 1234 1117 821 (74%) 296 GP 12783 6647 3194 (48%) 3453 KZN 12080 8666 4308 (50%) 4358 LP 644 1002 420 (42%) 482 MP 1721 2175 986 (45%) 1189 NC 1655 845 497 (59%) 348 NW 3457 2420 1710 (71%) 710 WC 6052 1635 537 (33%)1098 NATIONAL 41965 26333 13640 (52%) 12593
18 IES - continues OUTCOME 4: DECENT EMPLOYMENT THROUGH INCLUSIVE ECONOMIC GROWTH Strategic Objective 5: Strengthening Social Protection KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ANNUAL TARGETS PROGRESS 2. Number of non-complying workplaces of those audited are dealt with in terms of the relevant enforcement regime (OHS legislation) Follow‐up all non- complying workplaces of those audited * 12 593 – refer to slide 18 2 270 (18%) follow-up inspections audited against a target of 12 593 workplaces were audited; and 1 807 (80%) complied. (p 41) Table 6: Workplaces audited – follow-up Prov.Follow-up auditsActual auditedActual complied EC 65419748 (178%) FS 296149134 (90%) GP 3453126109 (87%) KZN 4358660444 (67%) LP 482206106 (52%) MP 118910589 (85%) NC 34810975 (69%) NW 7109676 (79%) WC 109840026 (7%) NATIONAL 125932270 1807 (80%)
19 IES - continues PERFORMANCE AGAINST ISSUES RAISED IN THE MINISTER’S BUDGET VOTE ISSUES FLAGGED INTERVENTIONSACTIVITIES Level of compliance in the Problematic Sectors More strategic utilisation of Blitz Programme New staff in Statutory and Advocacy section employed to assist with training and standardization. Blitz Program developed and aligned with the APP Standardisation of the enforcement approach across provinces Engaging with organised business and labour in Provinces Providing training both to internal and external stakeholders Declining compliance level in the high risk sectors at 54% Recruit and appoint the necessary OHS skills at provincial levels Build capacity OHS inspectors to build monitor and enforce OHSA. Specialisation approved, new staff structure developed Learnership and other training programmes being sourced
20 IES - continues PERFORMANCE AGAINST ISSUES RAISED IN THE MINISTER’S BUDGET VOTE ISSUES FLAGGED INTERVENTIONSACTIVITIES Roving Team strengthened Increase the capacity of the Roving Team by strategically deploying the team in the area of need and ensure that their operations are structurally managed. Roving Team programme aligned with the APP Team to be provided with the necessary tools Specialist Training to be identified Employment Equity Team to follow up non - compliant Employers. Provinces to ensure that all non- compliant employers are followed-up and EEA Enforced. EE Team assisted and monitored at National Level Program reprioritized to focus on follow ups
21 IES - continues PERFORMANCE AGAINST ISSUES RAISED IN THE MINISTER’S BUDGET VOTE ISSUES FLAGGED INTERVENTIONSACTIVITIES Ratification of ILO Convention No 81 Established partnership with ILO to speed-up the process of the ratification. Establish a task team to ensure that this ratification is processed. Convention ratified Need to address the shortcomings as identified by the ILO OHSA amended to strengthen the Powers of Inspectors Speed up the process of amending the OHSA Ongoing
22 Program 3: Public Employment Services OUTCOME 4: Improve the quality and accessibility of labour market services to contribute to decent employment through inclusive economic growth DoL Strategic Objective 1: Contribution to decent employment creation KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ANNUAL TARGETS PROGRESS 1. Employment Services Legislation, regulations and guidelines in place Employment Services Act, regulations and guidelines in place (Private Employment Agencies and Career Guidance) PES Branch tabled the Bill to the Portfolio Committee on Labour in March 2013. Private Employment Agencies (PEA) and Career Guidance Regulations and guidelines in place. 2. Increase Number of work seeker registered in different categories 450 000 reporting work- seekers registered on the system A total of 600 259 work-seekers against a target of 450 000 was registered on the system. (P 45 of the Annual Report) Table 7: Job-seekers Registered on the system Prov.TargetActual Number RegisteredVariance EC5900068380 (115%)9380 FS3650043586 (119%)7086 GP81500152065 (187%)70565 KZN95000116560 (122%)21560 LP3200060791 (190%)28791 MP3650050524 (138%)14024 NC1850017992 (97%)-508 NW3200020514 (64%)-11486 WC5900069847 (118%)10847 NATIONAL450000600259 (133%)150259
23 PES - continues OUTCOME 4: Improve the quality and accessibility of labour market services to contribute to decent employment through inclusive economic growth DoL Strategic Objective 1: Contribution to decent employment creation KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORSANNUAL TARGETSPROGRESS 3. Percentage of work-seekers registered on the system provided with career counselling and employability enhancement 60% of work-seekers registering on the system are profiled within 60 days of registration 59% of work seekers were profiled against a 60% target. That is, with a target of 450 000, 600 259 work-seekers were registered on the system, 264 068 were provided with career counselling and employability enhancement against a 60% (270 000) target. Calculating the 264 068 of 270 000 at 60% gives 59%.
24 PES - continues OUTCOME 4: Improve the quality and accessibility of labour market services to contribute to decent employment through inclusive economic growth DoL Strategic Objective 1: Contribution to decent employment creation KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ANNUAL TARGETS PROGRESS 4. Increase number of work-seekers placed/referred to opportunities and other services 18 000 work-seekers placed; 72 000 work-seekers referred A total of 16 171 (90% of the target) work-seekers was placed; and a total of 396 172 (550% of the target) was referred. (p 47) Table 8: Job-seekers placed/referred to opportunities Prov.Target for placementActual placedTarget for referralActual referred EC28601865 (65%)1144029387 (256%) FS14201445 (102%)568030731 (541%) GP34005050 (149%)13600125987 (926%) KZN26801158 (43%)10720112968 (1053%) LP1960893 (45%)784059981 (765%) MP17802603 (146%)712010425 (146%) NC8801093 (124%)49604128 (83%) NW12401103 (89%)35207218 (205%) WC1780961 (53%)712015347 (215%) NATIONAL1800016171 (90%)72000396172 (550%)
25 PES - continues OUTCOME 4: Improve the quality and accessibility of labour market services to contribute to decent employment through inclusive economic growth DoL Strategic Objective 1: Contribution to decent employment creation KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ANNUAL TARGETS PROGRESS 5. Increase number of employers registering vacancies on ESSA per annum Increase from 2000 to 3000 companies register vacancies on ESSA by end of March 2013 2 620 companies registered vacancies on ESSA (P 47) Table 9: Employers registering vacancies on ESSA Prov.Expected target to registerActual RegisteredVariance EC90162 (180%)72 FS80193 (241%)113 GP190769 (404%)579 KZN160224 (140%)64 LP110310 (282%)200 MP100277 (277%)177 NC50162 (324%)112 NW70182 (260%)112 WC150341 (227%)191 NATIONAL 10002620 (262%)1620
26 PES - continues OUTCOME 4: Improve the quality and accessibility of labour market services to contribute to decent employment through inclusive economic growth DoL Strategic Objective 1: Contribution to decent employment creation KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ANNUAL TARGETS PROGRESS 6. Number of requests for recommendation of migrant work permits responded to All compliant applications received processed within 30 working days A total of 153 corporate work permit applications received processed within 30 days, 108 corporate permits covering 12 631 employment opportunities. 8 320 (individuals) were positively recommended. Out of 45 applications for individual work permit 32 were negatively recommended (p48) Table 10: Request for migrant work permits Prov.Number receivedActual Processed EC11 FS99 GP29 KZN66 LP41 MP29 NC22 NW11 WC35 NATIONAL153
27 PES - continues OUTCOME 4: Improve the quality and accessibility of labour market services to contribute to decent employment through inclusive economic growth DoL Strategic Objective 1: Contribution to decent employment creation KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ANNUAL TARGETS PROGRESS 7. Number of Private Employment Agencies registered increased Increase from 1500 to 2000 existing private employment agencies registered A total of 350 existing PEAs were registered (p 48) Table 11: Registration of Private Employment Agencies Prov.TargetActual registeredDifference EC 60 5-55 FS 40 3-37 GP 95 14853 KZN 75 36-39 LP 55 3-52 MP 50 577 NC 25 2-23 NW 30 19-11 WC 70 777 NATIONAL500 350 -150
28 Program 4: Labour Policy and Industrial Relations (LP&IR) OUTCOME 4: DECENT EMPLOYMENT THROUGH INCLUSIVE ECONOMIC GROWTH Strategic Objective 2: Promote Equity in the Labour Market KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ANNUAL TARGETS PROGRESS 1. Employment Equity Act (EEA) and its regulations NEDLAC engagement finalized on the EEA Amendments by November 2012 Presented the rationale for amendments of the EE Bill to the Portfolio Committee of Labour in February 2013 and public hearings by parliament on Amendment Bill started in February 2013 2. Code of Good Practice and Technical Assistance guidelines on HIV and AIDS reviewed and Amended and amended HIV and AIDS Code and technical assistance guidelines amended by June 2012 Amendment to HIV and AIDS Code was gazetted on 15 June 2012 and the amendment to HIV and AIDS Technical Assistance Guidelines (TAG) was finalised on 27 June 2012. 3. Income Differentials assessed to determine race and gender disparities in Salaries 30 Income Differentials assessed to determine race and gender disparities in salaries by March 2013 31 Income differentials assessed to determine race and gender disparities in salaries.
29 LP & IR - continues OUTCOME 4: DECENT EMPLOYMENT THROUGH INCLUSIVE ECONOMIC GROWTH Strategic Objective 3: Protecting Vulnerable Workers KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ANNUAL TARGETS PROGRESS 1. BCEA amended Bill submitted to Cabinet by March 2013 Bill approved by Cabinet and currently in Parliament 2. Wage differentials investigated Develop norms and benchmarks for proportionate income differentials by March 2013 Investigation on wage differentials not conducted due to the inability of the IT system to analyse information as reported through the EE report 3. Number of child labour programme of Action 1 Child Labour Programme of Action for 5 year period (2012‐2016) reviewed and submitted to Cabinet by March 2013 Child Labour Programme of Action submitted to the Minister for approval 4. Review existing sectoral determinations Publish an amended SD with minimum wages for one sector by June 2012. Amendment to the Hospitality sectoral published on 22/06/12 in GG: 35460
30 LP&IR - continues OUTCOME 4: DECENT EMPLOYMENT THROUGH INCLUSIVE ECONOMIC GROWTH Strategic Objective 3: Protecting Vulnerable Workers KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ANNUAL TARGETS PROGRESS 5. Investigate new areas for setting sectoral determinations Investigate possibility of sectoral determinations for 2 new sectors Investigation to establish provident funds for domestic and farm workers sector delayed due to the possibility of the introduction of National Social Security Fund by the National Treasury 6. Civil society strengthened10 civil society organisations involved in the world of work funded 1.DITSELA 2.Workers College 3.COSATU 4.NACTU 5.FEDUSA 6.South African Labour Bulletin 7.Bloodriver Advice Office 8.Relemogile Advice Office 9.Funda Development Centre 10.Mothutlong Network Advisory Development Centre
31 LP&IR - continues STRATEGIC OUTCOME ORIENTED GOALS: 2 (OUTCOME 11): CREATING A BETTER SOUTH AFRICA AND CONTRIBUTING TO A BETTER AND SAFER AFRICA IN A BETTER WORLD Strategic Objective 4: Strengthening multilateral and bilateral relations KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ANNUAL TARGETSPROGRESS Number of reports compiled in terms of Article 19 and 22 of the Constitution of the ILO by specified time-frame 7 reports compiled and submitted in terms of Article 19 and 22 of the Constitution of the ILO by September 2012 4 Reports compiled and submitted to the ILO in terms of Article 19 (unratified) and Article 22 (ratified) Conventions. The reporting cycle for the 8 ILO Core Conventions and the 4 Governance Conventions has now been delayed to 3 years and is no longer of 2 years. Accordingly, there are no reports due for Conventions Nos. 100, 111 and 144 for 2012, which were originally requested by the ILO. South Africa’s position documents on agenda items for AULSAC, ARLAC and SADC ELS developed and approved Briefing documents and South Africa’s position documents on the agenda items for AULSAC compiled by April 2012 A country report on the Ouagadougou Declaration and Plan was developed and submitted to the AU.
32 LP&IR - continues OUTCOME 4: DECENT EMPLOYMENT THROUGH INCLUSIVE ECONOMIC GROWTH Strategic Objective 7: Monitoring the impact of legislation KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ANNUAL TARGETSPROGRESS 1. Research reports produced and disseminated Dissemination of the RME agenda 2 research results Development of the agenda 3 Dissemination of completed research reports: (i) Noise Induced Hearing Loss; (ii) Impact of the Taxi Sectoral Determination on working conditions in the Taxi Sector. (iii)Occupational Health and Safety in high risk sectors. RME agenda 3 was developed and approved by the Minister for further processing and by DBAC for procurement.
33 LP&IR - continues OUTCOME 4: DECENT EMPLOYMENT THROUGH INCLUSIVE ECONOMIC GROWTH Strategic Objective 6: Promoting Sound Labour Relations KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ANNUAL TARGETSPROGRESS 1. Number of Collective agreements extended within a specified number of days 18 collective agreements published within 60 days of receipt 25 Collective Agreement Approved. Average turnaround time was 52 days 2. Decision to register new labour Organizations taken within a specified period Decision to register new labour organizations taken within 90 days of receipt of competent applications 130 New applications received 16 approved 114 refused Average turnaround time: 86 days
34 LP&IR - continues OUTCOME 4: DECENT EMPLOYMENT THROUGH INCLUSIVE ECONOMIC GROWTH Strategic Objective 7: Monitoring the impact of legislation KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ANNUAL TARGETSPROGRESS 1. Number of Ministerial briefing reports produced on labour market issues within a specified period 4 Labour market trends reports completed and published by September 2012: Industrial Action Annual Labour Market Bulletin, Job Opportunity and Unemployment in the South African labour market and Annual Administrative Statistics Report Four Annual labour market trends produced and published by September 2012. These include: Annual Industrial Action report 2011, Annual Labour Market Bulletin 2011/12, Annual Job Opportunity and Unemployment in the SA labour market 2011/12 and Annual Administrative Statistics report 2011
35 LP & IR - continues PERFORMANCE AGAINST ISSUES RAISED IN THE MINISTER’S BUDGET VOTE PLANNED ACTIVITY PROGRESS Hosting the Labour Relations Indaba jointly with NEDLAC NEDLAC is still engaging with the Social Partners on a possible date. Engage social partners on adversarial industrial Relations in the Labour Market The Deputy President jointly with the Department of Labour are engaging with the Social Partners on this matter Hosting of Child Labour Day in Mpumalanga It will take place in August 2013 Request more money for Strengthen Civil Society to replicate the model of Workers College Natal Engage National Treasury when bids for the mid-term are considered.
36 LP & IR - continues PERFORMANCE AGAINST ISSUES RAISED IN THE MINISTER’S BUDGET VOTE PLANNED ACTIVITY PROGRESS Pursue compliance around Employment Equity Waiting for the promulgations of Employment Equity Amendments to fast track enforcement Training and Up-skilling 1000 domestic workers on BCEA, LRA and Sectoral Determinations Plans to start training and up-skill 1000 domestic workers are under way.
CHALLENGES CONTRIBUTING TO NONE ACHIEVEMENT OF SOME INDICATORS AND CORRECTIVE ACTION 37 KEY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE AREA OF CONCERNREASON FOR MAJOR VARIANCE CORRECTIVE ACTION PES Contribute to employment creation Number of people with disabilities/ ex-combatants and Compensation Fund beneficiaries assisted with skills for employment in the SEF No beneficiary assisted due to Insufficient funding Marketing SEF factories, conclusion of sales agreements with Departments tightened Number of people in SEF trained and placed in mainstream economy None trained and placed into mainstream economy due to insufficient funding Arrangements to be made with relevant SETA Number of jobs saved through social plan intervention Delays in funding approval from UIF to implement the service and that resulted in limited time for implementation hence the budget was reduced and the target reviewed Targets changed as per 3 year agreement signed for 2012/13 to 2014/15
CHALLENGES CONTRIBUTING TO NONE ACHIEVEMENT OF SOME INDICATORS AND CORRECTIVE ACTION 38 KEY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE AREA OF CONCERNREASON FOR MAJOR VARIANCE CORRECTIVE ACTION IES Strengthening Social Protection Number of workplaces audited to determine their compliance levels in terms of Occupational Health and Safety Legislation Given the increase in number of inspections done (15.9%) it was impossible for inspectors to audit the places as planned as more resources had to be utilised to meet the extra demand else where Increase advocacy sessions with employers to ensure compliance Number of noncomplying workplaces to of those audited dealt with in terms of the relevant enforcement regime (OHS legislation) The target could not be reached due: Some of the notices issued were still within the period The increase in demand made it impossible to go back and do more follow- up inspections Increase advocacy sessions with employers to minimise non- compliance
CHALLENGES FOR NONE ACHIEVEMENT OF SOME INDICATORS DURING 2012/13 39 KEY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE AREA OF CONCERNREASON FOR MAJOR VARIANCECORRECTIVE ACTION LP & IR Promote equity in the labour market Employment Equity Act (EEA) and its regulations amended Amendment to EE not finalised due to delays in Parliamentary processes Parliament to fast track its processes including public hearings LP & IR Protecting vulnerable workers Wage differentials investigated Investigation on wage differentials not conducted, due to the inability of the IT system to analyse information as reported through the EE report Improved IT systems Number of new areas for setting sectoral determinations investigated Investigation to establish provident funds for domestic and farm workers sector delayed due to the possibility of introducing the National Social Security Fund by the National Treasury Establish progress by the National Treasury and how DoL should play part CS Strengthening the institutional capacity of the Department Percentage increase of security vetting of staff in the department A total of 513 (6.8%) of the 1 374 requests from the staff complement of 7 490 was vetted by end of March 2013. This is due to delays at the State Security Agent as the results of capacity. Establishment of the internal vetting unit
41 THE DOL PERFORMANCE OVER A PERIOD OF FOUR (4) YEARS: 2009/10 – 2012/13 BRANCH Planned IndicatorsAchieved Partially AchievedNot AchievedNot Reported Overall Achievement Administration 1621013821262% Inspections and Enforcement Services 49261310053% Public Employment Services 1537426361748% Labour Policy and Industrial Relations 10376149474% OVERALL PERFORMANCE 467277917623 59% PERFORMANCE %59%20%16%5%
42 THE DOL YEAR-IN-YEAR PERFORMANCE: 2009/10 – 2012/13 Financial YearPlannedAchieved Partially Achieved Not Achieved Not Reported % ACHIEVED 2009/101399124222 66% 2010/111166422264 55% 2011/1212970261617 54% 2012/13835219120 63% Total467277917623 59% OVERALL PERFORMANCE 59%20%16%5%
43 THE DOL YEAR-IN-YEAR PERFORMANCE: 2009/10 – 2012/13 Between 2009/10 and 2012/13 financial years, there has been a decrease in number of planned performance indicators. The decrease, however, is not positively linked to actual performance i.r.o the actual achievement of indicators.
Conclusion We have in the Financial Year 2012/13 tried to improve our strategic plan and Annual Performance Plan with a View to Ensure that they are aligned to the SMART Principle. We have done this with the Assistance of the National Treasury Technical Advisory Unit. We are still of the view that there is still more work to be done around this area that should assist in ensuring that our work is measurable. 44
Conclusion Cont.. We have further engaged in a number of Change Management Programmes with a View to Improve our Service Delivery Environment. The Change Management Programmes are managed under the Shanduka Project Umbrella and will assist in ensuring that we change for the best. The Department has again received another Award from SAIGA, which is the second Award in a space of Three Years. The Awards from SAIGA are part of the outcomes and fruits of some of these change initiatives. 45
Conclusion Cont.. We will keep on striving to improve our level of performance against predetermined objectives, targets as well as Service Delivery. 46
Thank You… 47
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