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Advanced Software Development applied to (Symbolic) Systems Biology Karl Lieberherr.

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Presentation on theme: "Advanced Software Development applied to (Symbolic) Systems Biology Karl Lieberherr."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advanced Software Development applied to (Symbolic) Systems Biology Karl Lieberherr

2 Overview Advanced Software Development –Separation of Concerns Loose coupling, modularity Concerns typically influence a collaboration Adaptive Programming Aspect-Oriented Programming Generic Programming: Families of algorithms

3 Applied to Systems Biology Why study biological systems? –Need to better understand ourselves to live better lives. What is good for you depends on your genome –food –drugs –Can we build biological systems that perform useful computations or that produce useful chemicals? Symbolic Systems Biology: Patrick Lincoln (SRI)

4 Interesting computational topics in biology How can we develop a model of a system that is very complex and hard to test? –Modularity in biological systems How can we design experiments that give maximal information about the model. How can we design experiments that give us true explanations for a behavior (and not an accidental explanation).

5 Interesting computational topics in biology (2) Modeling biological systems –Pathway Logic (Carolyn Talcott, SRI) –Finite State Machines (Statecharts) –Sequential Dynamical Systems (SDS) attractors = fix points –Rewrite-Rule based systems Stochastic pi-calculus Maude BIOCHAM

6 Pathway Logic (SRI) Use Maude from SRI to represent biological knowledge contained in biological literature. Biologist mines literature and produces Maude rules Maude is distinguished from other systems by supporting abstract data types

7 Interesting computational topics in biology (3) Generalized Maximum Satisfiability Problem plays an important role in biological modeling –Efficient Haplotype Inference with Boolean Satisfiability –Reasoning with uncertainty –MPE problem for Bayesian networks –Checking properties of biological models

8 Satisfiability The first problem to be shown NP-complete (Cook 1971) Surprising Development since then: Satisfiability solvers have really been fine-tuned to a degree so that many problems can be solved by translating them to satisfiability. Numerous application domains profit from SAT solvers: program verification, electronic design automation, Bayesian network evaluation, etc.

9 Satisfiability Solvers kinds –complete: yes and no –stochastic: yes only useful when instances are likely to be satisfiable Relatively small pieces of software: a few thousand lines Algorithms involved are complex

10 Components of a DPLL SAT Solver Branching heuristics –when no more deduction is possible, choose a free variable. –take structure of formula into account? works well for random instances but not so well for structured instances

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