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You are at a dinner party in your a cottage and you own the cottage. When you are doing the washing up you have to take your rings off. When you go to.

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Presentation on theme: "You are at a dinner party in your a cottage and you own the cottage. When you are doing the washing up you have to take your rings off. When you go to."— Presentation transcript:

1 You are at a dinner party in your a cottage and you own the cottage. When you are doing the washing up you have to take your rings off. When you go to put them back on again you realise that one of the guests must have stolen them and taken them somewhere but where are they, you must go and find them. Do you decide to look in the basement or do you decide to go the haunted house do you decide to go the haunted house?

2 You have decided to go up the stairs. You are at the bottom and you go to take your first step, and then your second. you feel to scared to look behind you in case you get killed by the devils so you sprint up then you find two doors one on the left one on the right Do you decide to take the door on the left Or do you decide to take the door on the rightdo you decide to take the door on the right?

3 You have decided to go to the haunted house but the front door is locked you see an open window that you will have to jump through to get in. Do you decide to charge through the door Or Go through the window ?

4 You have decided to charge through the door. you find yourself in a hall full of cobwebs and a stair case near a door. If you decide to walk down the hall Or you decide to take the stairs ?

5 You have decided to take the door on your left as creep closer to the old, smelly door you twist the door handle and push it open and you take a step inside the dark room ah! What is that it sounds like a creak from above you look up in shock and see a trap door and there is a string that you can pull to open or there is a door under the trap door Do you decide to take the trap door Or go through the door under the trap door ?

6 Your in the basement and you look in all the different places and the rings are know were to be found. Then you realise you shouldn't let the door close and then it goes BANG! GAME OVER

7 You have decided to jump through the window you have got one foot over and then BANG! You have fallen through the trap door and it closes above you and there is no way out. GAME OVER

8 You have decided to take the trap door as you pull the string you get a shiver in your arms and legs. You pull yourself up through the tight hole then you find yourself in a dark gloomy room you want to get out but then you see something shining in the corner of the room on a desk you walk over to see what the beautiful things are. WELL DONE YOU FOUND THE RINGS. YOU HAVE WON THE GAME!

9 By Stanley, Nadia and Leylah

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