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Water statistics. VOD 1- Annual report for water supply, water use, waste water treatment and technical treatment in industry and mining Legal framework.

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Presentation on theme: "Water statistics. VOD 1- Annual report for water supply, water use, waste water treatment and technical treatment in industry and mining Legal framework."— Presentation transcript:

1 Water statistics

2 VOD 1- Annual report for water supply, water use, waste water treatment and technical treatment in industry and mining Legal framework Low for State Statistics (Official Gazette No 54/97, 21/07 and 57/2011) Scope of the survey Sampling survey, industrial entities according NACE Rev.2 (B-Mining and quarrying, C-Processing industry and D-Electricity, gas, stream and air conditioning supply) REPUBLIKA MAKEDONIJA DR@AVEN ZAVOD ZA STATISTIKA

3 VOD 1- Annual report for water supply, water use, waste water treatment and technical treatment in industry and mining Reporting units about 1000 industrial units Table – 1. Water supply Water supply in 000 m3 from own sources, public water supply, other sources take over other suppliers, given to others and losses of water. Tips of sources (ground water, springs, sampling water, artificial lakes and natural lakes). REPUBLIKA MAKEDONIJA DR@AVEN ZAVOD ZA STATISTIKA

4 VOD 1- Annual report for water supply, water use, waste water treatment and technical treatment in industry and mining Table – 2. Water use Water use in 000 m3 for production purposes (consumption for production of cooling) sanitary needs and water used repeatedly. Data is available and for tips of system for water supply (one way recirculation or one way recirculation.) REPUBLIKA MAKEDONIJA DR@AVEN ZAVOD ZA STATISTIKA

5 VOD 1- Annual report for water supply, water use, waste water treatment and technical treatment in industry and mining Table-3. Waste water treatment and discharge At the Table 3 data is available for water after using (non- waste, waste of treated mechanical, biological, chemical or combine) with grades of waste from 1 to 3 and discharge of water after treatment (in land, public savage, sampling waters, artificial lakes or natural lakes ) REPUBLIKA MAKEDONIJA DR@AVEN ZAVOD ZA STATISTIKA

6 VOD 1- Annual report for water supply, water use, waste water treatment and technical treatment in industry and mining Table 4. Plants for waste water treatment Number and capacity of plants for cooling, preliminary treatment, mechanical treatment, chemical treatment, biological treatment, number of users, number of annual working hours and losing time in hours and name of the recipient. Data availability since 1997 for country, since 2009 on regional level Dissemination Statistical yearbook REPUBLIKA MAKEDONIJA DR@AVEN ZAVOD ZA STATISTIKA

7 VOD 2V – Annual report for public water supply Legal framework Low for State Statistics (Official Gazette no 54/97, 21/07 and 51/2011) Scope of the survey Total coverage, Public water management enterprises

8 VOD 2V – Annual report for water public supply Reporting units About 61 subjects, public water supply enterprises Table 1. Water sources Types of water sources (ground water, spring, sampling water, artificial lakes, natural lakes or take over other suppliers) and abstraction of water in 000m3.

9 VOD 2V- Annual report for public water supply Table 2. Water supply Water supply to the households, industry, municipal use(cleaning, irrigation green areas) non-business use, water given to other supply systems and loses of water. Table 3. Water network and plants Plants for water abstraction (power and capacity), plants for preliminary treatment, sediment area, filters, chlorinates, deferizators, reservoirs, length of main supplier, length of water supply network, number of street hydrants, number of

10 VOD 2V - Annual report for public water supply public pipes and year of start of exploitation the system. Table 4. List of municipal or settlements in structure of water supply system Name of municipalities and name of settlements connected to system

11 VOD 2V- Annual report for public water supply Data availability since 1977 for country, since 2009 on regional level Nomenclatures and classification NACE Rev.2, NUTS

12 VOD 4 - Annual report for irrigation system Reporting units Water management enterprises Legal framework Low for State Statistics (Official Gazette No 54/97, 21/07 and 51/2011) Scope of the survey – about 150 subjects Total coverage, Water management associations

13 VOD 4 – Annual report for irrigation system Table 1. Water sources for irrigation Data for harnessing (capacity and quantity of abstracted water in 000m3) and source (ground water, sampling water, lake, artificial lake or public water supply system) Table 2. Objects and plants for irrigation Irrigation network (channels and pipes), number of water abstracts station, number of plants (capacity and power) and plants for irrigation (capacity and power).

14 VOD 4. – Annual report for irrigation system Data availability Since 1977 for country, since 2009 – on regional level Nomenclatures and classifications NACE Rev.2, NUTS

15 Thank you

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