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BORDER CROSSINGS / CROSSING BORDERS. What are the borders? What is border crossing?

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Presentation on theme: "BORDER CROSSINGS / CROSSING BORDERS. What are the borders? What is border crossing?"— Presentation transcript:


2 What are the borders? What is border crossing?

3 Which factors affect that we feel "inside" or "outside" of a border or of a country?

4 How borders make us feel as a unity?



7 Walter de Maria „mile long parallel lines“, 1968 Why do we have the desire to build and in the same time to cross borders?


9 Francis Alys-Green line (2004) "Sometimes doing something poetic can become political and sometimes doing something political can become poetic."


11 Christo and Jeanne-claude „running fence“, 1972- 76

12 ,, Fences and walls, which are the most emblematic artifacts of teichopolitics. Despite the stigma associated with building walls after the construction of the Berlin Wall in August 1961, since 2000 many countries around the world have initiated or expanded these barriers.”

13 Marina Abramovich and Ulay „the lovers: the great wall walk“, 1988


15 Martin Kippenberger-Metro net

16 Thanks for your attencion!

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