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Recent Immigration 1914-1918: WWI strong anti-immigrant feelings Literacy tests required in 1917 Anti-German Riot in U.S. 1915 ” Led to “Americanization”

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2 Recent Immigration


4 1914-1918: WWI strong anti-immigrant feelings Literacy tests required in 1917 Anti-German Riot in U.S. 1915 ” Led to “Americanization”

5 1924: National Origins Act  law that discriminated against S. & E. Europe

6 1925: KKK membership reaches 5 million KKK Pamphlet KKK March in D.C. in 1925

7 1930s -1945: low immigration due to Depression & WWII

8 1948: Displaced Persons Act  Allowed homeless of WWII to immigrate to U.S. Jewish survivors and refugees arrive in U.S. in 1945


10 1960s: quotas questioned; are they fair? 1965: Immigration Act Set annual limits for ALL countries to make laws fair Johnson signs at Liberty Island


12 Refugee: Someone who flees a country because of persecution or fear of it 1980 Refugee Act: President can admit refugees in an emergency


14 Illegal Immigrants: enter the U.S. w/o government approval i.e. Mexicans crossing the border Busted illegal Immigrants await the border patrol

15 1986: Immigration Reform and Control Act  Penalties on employers who hire illegal immigrants; little impact Required I-9 Form - Still Used From gov’t web page

16 1996: Immigration Act  doubled border control forces and added fences U.S. Mexican Border in New Mexico

17 2003: Department of Homeland Security  in response to 9/11


19 Legal preference to family and skilled workers long wait time Illegal U.S. security/border control Estimated 12 million Refugees Need more spots Can be sent back

20 Differences Similarities Differences Historical RecentImmigration

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