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Variables reference, coding, visibility. Rules for making names  permitted character set  maximum length, significant length  case sensitivity  special.

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Presentation on theme: "Variables reference, coding, visibility. Rules for making names  permitted character set  maximum length, significant length  case sensitivity  special."— Presentation transcript:

1 Variables reference, coding, visibility

2 Rules for making names  permitted character set  maximum length, significant length  case sensitivity  special words: keywords or reserved  predefined names  association with data and processes What features influence readability and writability?

3 Variables – data representation  high level version of memory reference  more general and useful model of memory  six attributes: name and address, type and value, scope and lifetime What features influence readability and writability? name address type value scope lifetime

4 Attributes of variables nameaddress typevalue lifetime scope name address type value scope lifetime

5 D Goforth COSC 31275 Address - memory location  Actual location of data, low level  name-address relations may be one to one one to many: e.g., same name used for different variables in different methods many to one (alias): e.g.: formal parameter in method call refers to same object as actual parameter name address type value scope lifetime

6 D Goforth COSC 31276 Type: code and range  Simple (primitive) types: bit code for storage  Composite types: subtypes and organization Type determines:  range of possible values  operations on values name address type value scope lifetime

7 D Goforth COSC 31277 Values  Actual sequence of bits as interpreted by codes and organization  Abstract memory cell - memory space for a value without considering inside structure e.g., double ‘cell’ is 8 bytes in java e.g., object manipulation name address type value scope lifetime

8 D Goforth COSC 31278 Values  Implementation - inside view  Application - abstract view some languages allow inside view of simple data types e.g.: C has bit level operations name address type value scope lifetime

9 D Goforth COSC 31279 Binding - setting attributes of entities  E.g. a variable (entity) has six attributes that must be bound to it. x = 6.0; // binds value to variable with name x  All entities of a programming language have attributes: data types, operators, keywords, programs, etc. name address type value scope lifetime

10 D Goforth COSC 312710 Binding Time  Time when binding of attributes occurs is a major distinguishing feature of languages Binding Time Line: Language Design Language Implementation Program Coding Program Compile Program Execution name address type value scope lifetime

11 D Goforth COSC 312711 Binding to variables  Static - before execution  Dynamic - (before and) during execution java e.g.: value int mVal = 0; final double yearLength = 365.248; mVal = 1000;  What about other attributes? name address type value scope lifetime

12 D Goforth COSC 312712 Binding type to a variable when how ExplicitImplicit Static Dynamic X name address type value scope lifetime

13 D Goforth COSC 312713 User-defined types Simple types  enumerated e.g. in pascal: type suittype = (spade, heart, diamond, club); var trump suittype; trump := diamond;  subrange e.g. in Ada: subtype DAY_OF_MONTH is INTEGER range 1..31; START_DATE: DAY_OF_MONTH ; name address type value scope lifetime

14 D Goforth COSC 312714 User-defined types Compound types  anonymous types  named types e.g. in Ada: type YEAR_LIST is array (1..366) of INTEGER; A, B: YEAR_LIST; C: array (1..366) of INTEGER; D: array (1..366) of INTEGER; name address type value scope lifetime

15 D Goforth COSC 312715 User-defined types in java Compound types  anonymous types  named types e.g. in Ada: type YEAR_LIST is array (1..366) of INTEGER; A, B: YEAR_LIST; C: array (1..366) of INTEGER; D: array (1..366) of INTEGER; name address type value scope lifetime

16 Dynamic typing  variable gets type from value assigned to it  type can change during execution  expensive in performance – tracking type  e.g. APL, LISP name address type value scope lifetime

17 Storage (address) binding  static allocation: variable is associated with one address for entire program – efficient but inflexible (e.g., no recursion, waste space)  e.g., java class variables  dynamic allocation: memory allocated when declaration executed

18 Stack-dynamic memory  allocations for a called procedure are ‘stacked’ on allocations for calling procedure  lifetime: proc execution allocation for main:x,y,z allocation for a: w,t,x allocation for b: x,e,d procedure main { int x=0,y=1,z=2 a(x) } procedure a(int w) { int t=3,x=4 b(t) } procedure b(int d) { int e,x=5 e = d + x + t + y }

19 Heap-dynamic storage  explicit: heap of memory is allocated on specific request: pointers (c) and references (java) lifetime: till deallocation(c) or gc(java)  implicit: with dynamic typing lifetime: till variable retyped

20 Type checking-compatibility of types in an operation e.g.: assignment, expressions, procedure calls: Type error: expected type and actual type don’t match Coercion: legitimate change of actual variable to expected type e.g.: 4 * 5.6double y = 100; String s = “max: ” + y;int x = 3.2;

21 Strong typing  all type errors are detected - reliability Question: java is strongly typed: can type checking be done at compile time??

22 Strong typing Question: java is strongly typed: can type checking be done at compile time?? NO: some variables can contain different types – must check at run time e.g. Object obj; // can reference object from any class

23 Type compatibility For user defined simple types: type date = 1..31; var birthday: date; count: integer;... count := birthday; Pascal: type error - name type compatibility (OK with structure type compatibility) C?

24 Scope  Range of accessibility of variable  scope in object-oriented languages is distinct and sometimes tricky (chapter 12)  scope in imperative (procedural) languages depends mostly on procedures

25 Scope in imperative languages  Static scoping - visibility depends on structure of source code file determined at compile time  Dynamic scoping - visibility depends on procedure calls determined at execution time

26 Scope definitions – imperative languages  block – bounded part of a program – e.g., procedure  scope – range of visibility of an identifier, e.g., variable name  local scope – block where identifier is delcared  non-local scope – other blocks where identifer is visible

27 Typical imperative program program A type f,g,h var x,y,z procedure B var v,x begin... end begin... end A B C D E F

28 Static Scoping  scopes nested according to file structure – determined at compile  what identifiers are visible from a scope?  which variable for multiply-defined identifier is visible?

29 Static example: pascal  sample of code sample of code  visible variables at each block  visible procedures at each block  partial scope and forward reference

30 Static scope impedes information hiding  unintended access to variables and procedures is hard to prevent – nesting scopes partial solution: flat procedure hierarchy (c)

31 Dynamic scope – stack dynamic variables  Non-local scopes based on procedure calls  procedure may have different scopes each time it is executed

32 Dynamic example: “pseudopascal”  sample of code sample of code  visible variables at each block  visible procedures at each block  partial scope and forward reference

33 Dynamic scope  all local variables visible during execution  difficult to read programs – must know calling order partial solution: use static scoping and get ‘dynamic’ power by parameter passing

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