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Grade 8.  Parallax  Perihelion  Aphelion  Seasons  Summer Solstice  Tropic of Cancer  Winter Solstice  Tropic of Capricorn  Vernal Equinox 

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Presentation on theme: "Grade 8.  Parallax  Perihelion  Aphelion  Seasons  Summer Solstice  Tropic of Cancer  Winter Solstice  Tropic of Capricorn  Vernal Equinox "— Presentation transcript:

1 Grade 8

2  Parallax  Perihelion  Aphelion  Seasons  Summer Solstice  Tropic of Cancer  Winter Solstice  Tropic of Capricorn  Vernal Equinox  Autumn Equinox

3  What is the relationship between the Earth, Sun and Moon?  How do we know the Earth is rotating and revolving around the sun?

4  Does the Earth rotate?  Evidence?

5  Earth rotates once every 24 hours.  Look at the Earth at the North pole, the Earth rotates (spins) counterclockwise.  Sun rises in the east, sets in the west.  Day/ Night  Moon and stars changes position in the sky.

6  How do we know the Earth revolves around the Sun?  Evidence?

7  The Earth revolves around the Sun in 365 days!  Seasons- Winter, Summer, Spring and Fall  Stars are different throughout the year  Tides- Spring Tide, Neap Tide

8  Why is it colder in January and hotter in July when the Earth (Northern hemisphere) is closer to the sun in January?

9 Perihelion Aphelion

10  January 5 th - Perihelion  July 4 th - Aphelion

11  Aphelion- Earth’s orbit is farthest from the sun (July 4 th )  Perihelion- Earth’s orbit is closest to the sun. (January 5 th )


13  Equinox- latin for “equal nights”  Vernal Equinox- Spring- March 20 th  Autumnal Equinox- Fall- Sept. 22 nd  Center of Sun is in the same plane as the Earth’s equator.


15  Summer solstice- Longest day of sunlight of the year  Winter Solstice- Shortest day of the year

16  Change in an object’s direction due to a change in the observer’s position.

17  What is parallax?  What is aphelion and perihelion?  Why are winters here while we are closest to the sun?  What would happen if the Earth was not tilted on a 23.5 degrees?

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