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Health Checks and the Key Stage 3 ICT Test Penny Patterson London Learning through ICT DfES/LGfL.

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Presentation on theme: "Health Checks and the Key Stage 3 ICT Test Penny Patterson London Learning through ICT DfES/LGfL."— Presentation transcript:

1 Health Checks and the Key Stage 3 ICT Test Penny Patterson London Learning through ICT DfES/LGfL

2 The past – 4 decades of strategy development 1977 “There is no reason for individuals to have a computer in their home” 1981 “640,000 bytes of memory ought to be enough for anybody” Bill Gates 1993 - “The Internet? We are not interested in it.” Bill Gates 1997 – leap of faith –Less than 17% of primary schools connected to the internet –Broadband? –1:19 in primary; 4% linked to network (1:9 in secondary – 46% networked) What we do today was not only impossible – it was not even conceived

3 Average spending on ICT in Schools 1998 - 2004 Primary Schools 1998: £3,600 2004: £14,800 Secondary Schools 1998: £40,100 2004: £88,600

4 Progress so far in London Broadband to 87% of London schools (‘all’ by 2005) significant ICT investment, £140m between 2004-6

5 What are the problems? Poor internet access? – unknown causes? Some sites still causing security alerts & clogging up the network Lack of confidence in the LGfL network by some schools KS3 ICT Test in pilot stage

6 Key Stage 3 ICT Test First pilots in 2004 Test Statutory from 2008 Provides a model for ICT based testing at KS 3, 4 and 5 Minimum specification nts/technology_and_education_research/ks3_ict.pdf nts/technology_and_education_research/ks3_ict.pdf

7 What can we do about this? Use the existing Equinox/Synetrix Health Check service (14 LEAs have used the service, 80+ health checks) Put in a bid to DfES for funding to part fund health checks for LEAs that want them Use the new Becta support service for the KS3 Test

8 What can you do about this? Look out for the Becta KS3 ICT Test event later this year Think about your schools, identify –Those that are already KS3 pilot schools (your KS3 ICT consultant will have details) –Those that have weaker networks –Those that have less confidence in the broadband network Consider using your broadband funding (31b) to fund health checks now, or to part fund subsidised health checks later (if the bid is successful)

9 Comments & suggestions Please email

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