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Earth’s Bodies of Water Quiz Tuesday October 9, 2012: Chapter 1 Lesson 1 vocabulary and weathering process.

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Presentation on theme: "Earth’s Bodies of Water Quiz Tuesday October 9, 2012: Chapter 1 Lesson 1 vocabulary and weathering process."— Presentation transcript:

1 Earth’s Bodies of Water Quiz Tuesday October 9, 2012: Chapter 1 Lesson 1 vocabulary and weathering process

2 Lesson Essential Question  How are Earth’s bodies of water formed?

3 Vocabulary  tributary: smaller streams of rivers  river system: a river and its tributaries  drainage basin: land drained by a river system

4 Streams  streams flow over land in a channel  most began on high grounds among hills and mountains  sources: melting snowfield, glacier, or overflowing lake

5 Streams  streams flow from high to low ground  at end of stream is mouth, where it empties into another body of water

6 Rivers pg. 26 2 nd paragraph What is it? broad, deep streams How is it formed? many smaller streams coming together What are tributaries? smaller streams What is a river system? a river and its tributaries

7 Africa: Nile River  Earth’s longest river

8 Fact Check  Turn and Talk  How long is the Nile river?  Is the Nile river longer than the Mississippi?

9 Asia: Chang Jiang or Yangtze  What happened?

10 Fact Check Think-Pair-Share:  Water from the Yangtze River is used to grow about ___________% of China’s ___________ crops.

11 Australia: Murray River  transportation

12 I wonder… Why do you think many of Australia’s rivers dry up for part of the year?

13 Europe: Danube River

14 North America: Mississippi

15 Mississippi River  barge transporting goods

16 South America: Amazon  Carries more water than Mississippi, Nile and Yangtze, combined

17 Rivers  river systems drain, or carry water away from land  drainage basin: land drained by a river system

18 Importance  Many of world’s first civilizations developed along rivers because they provide:  transportation  drinking and cleaning source  food  trade  energy source

19 Summarizing Strategy  How are Earth’s bodies of water formed?

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