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Chemical Analysis Fall, 2009 by 駱碧秀老師 When & Where: 9:10-12:00 (Tue. at M202) Office : 醫學大樓 6F ,自然科共同實驗室,分機: 5018 教學網站:

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Presentation on theme: "Chemical Analysis Fall, 2009 by 駱碧秀老師 When & Where: 9:10-12:00 (Tue. at M202) Office : 醫學大樓 6F ,自然科共同實驗室,分機: 5018 教學網站:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chemical Analysis Fall, 2009 by 駱碧秀老師 When & Where: 9:10-12:00 (Tue. at M202) Office : 醫學大樓 6F ,自然科共同實驗室,分機: 5018 教學網站: E-mail: Office Hours: Mon & Wed. 16:10-18:00

2 Lecture & Assignment Schedule: 109/13Introduction & Naming Compounds 209/20Chapter 3 Math Toolkit 309/27Chapter 4 Statistics 410/04Chapter 9~10 Buffers & Titrations 510/11Chapter 11 Polyprotic Acids & Bases 610/18 期中考 I ( 工六第一會議室 ) 710/25Chapter 18 Let There Be Light 811/01Chapter 19 Spectrometry 911/08Chapter 19 Spectrometry 1011/15Chapter 14 Electrochemistry 1111/22Chapter 15 Electrode Measurements 1211/29 期中考 II ( 工六第一會議室 ) 1312/06Chapter 13 Coordination Chemistry & EDTA Titrations 1412/13Chapter 21 Principles of Chromatography 1512/20Chapter 21 Principles of Chromatography 1612/27Chapter 22 GC & LC 1701/03 Chapter 23 Capillary Electrophoresis 1801/10 期末考 ( 工六第一會議室 )

3 Text Book Daniel C. Harris, “ Exploring Chemical Analysis ”, 4th Edition, 2009 by W.H. Freeman & Company.

4 Grade: 小考 : 10% 作業 : 10% 期中考 I & II : 30% 期末考 : 30% 「成績,不只是在於你知道什麼, 而在於你表現什麼。」 成功法則第一招:一定要來上課!

5  For most its users, analytical chemistry is a tool – not an end in itself.  If you are interested in biology, medicine, environmental science, geology, oceanography, or archeology, you will rely on chemical analyses to answer important questions.  It is possible that you will make measurements yourself, but it is more likely that you will simply be a consumer of analytical results. What Am I Doing in This Course?

6 Goals of this course (1)To understand how analysts derive the results that you will use. (2) To understand the limitations (the uncertainties) of the results. (3) To develop laboratory skills and careful work habits that you can apply in your field.

7 This course will help you, as an informed citizen To appreciate how quantitative information is obtained and interpreted. And it should help give you a basis for positive actions in your own field of interest.

8 How do you measure the caffeine content of a chocolate bar ? Theobromine Diuretic, smooth muscle relaxant, cardiac stimulant, and vasodilator Caffeine Central nervous system stimulant and diuretic

9 Extracting fat from chocolate

10 Centrifugation & Filtration

11 Chemical Analysis

12 Calibration

13 Results: FYI:

14 General Steps in a Chemical Analysis 1)Formulation the question 2)Selecting analytical procedures 3)Sampling 4)Sample preparation 5)Analysis 6)Reporting & interpretation 7)Drawing conclusions

15 Chapter 1 Chemical Measurements Microelectrode by Optical Micrograph

16 SI units

17 Ex: Exocytosis of Neurotransmitters


19 1ppm ~ 1ug/mL 1ppb ~ 1 ng/mL

20 Parts per Million and Parts per Billion Concentrations of trace components of a sample can be expressed as parts per million (ppm) or parts per billion (ppb), terms that mean grams of substance per million or billion grams of total solution or mixture. P.28

21 Figure 1-6 A volumetric flask contains a specified volume when the liquid level is adjusted to the middle of the mark in the thin neck of the flask. 1-4 Preparing Solution P.29

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