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Incredulous - unwilling to accept as true; unbelieving The Incredible Hulk could not believe he was green!

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Presentation on theme: "Incredulous - unwilling to accept as true; unbelieving The Incredible Hulk could not believe he was green!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Incredulous - unwilling to accept as true; unbelieving The Incredible Hulk could not believe he was green!

2 Recrimination – bringing a counter charge against an accuser. The criminal accused the accuser by saying, “I didn’t steal your money! You lost it!”

3 Officious – objectionably forward in offering unwanted services or advice The officer offered unwanted advice to the driver who was speeding!

4 Unintelligible – incapable of being understood Telling the story was not successful. The phone lines were filled with static, making it incapable of being understood.

5 Martyr – a person who chooses to die for his/her beliefs This martyr, Joan of Arc, was murdered for her beliefs.

6 Motif – a recurring subject or theme The motor churned round and round and over and over trying to start

7 Antagonism – active hostility or opposition The ant was mad and hostile after the boy stepped on his ant hill.

8 Grotesque – fantastic or bizarre The goat with the mermaid fin was pretty bizarre!

9 Strident – making a loud harsh sound Trident gum makes a loud, harsh sound when popped.

10 Intricacy – having many interrelated parts or facets. The trick was magical because it had many parts and facets!

11 Spontaneous – acting or resulting from a natural impulse. The spine, if tickled, makes one jump from a natural impulse!

12 Tirade – a long, scolding speech Tired of hearing the long, scolding speech, the student put his head on the desk.

13 Indignant – feeling strong displeasure at something unworthy, unjust or base Digging a hole makes one feel strong displeasure for such an unjust task!

14 Furtive – done secretly The fur coat hid the woman’s ugly dress, which she wanted to keep a secret.

15 Enmity – ill will; hostility The enemies had such hostility towards each other, they needed to be split up.

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