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Group Members Richard George – Industrial Technology Mike Svendsen – Computer Engineer Steve Towey – Computer Engineer Brian Walker – Architect Client.

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Presentation on theme: "Group Members Richard George – Industrial Technology Mike Svendsen – Computer Engineer Steve Towey – Computer Engineer Brian Walker – Architect Client."— Presentation transcript:

1 Group Members Richard George – Industrial Technology Mike Svendsen – Computer Engineer Steve Towey – Computer Engineer Brian Walker – Architect Client – Space Systems and Control Lab (SSCL) Advisor – Matt Nelson

2 Project Overview Develop a blimp for the SSCL that can be flown outdoors for research and outreach events System Summary

3 Functional Decomposition Balloon Frame Base station Onboard Systems

4 Onboard Systems - Hardware

5 Onboard Systems - Software

6 Base Station Back End Sends commands for movement and control. Receives sensor, GPS, heading, and battery data.

7 Base Station and GUI Google Earth and Display GUI Altitude: XXX GPS: XXX Battery Level: XXX Throttle: XXXX

8 Testing Stress tests on frame Lift tests with balloon Thrust tests with motors Base station can be fed sample messages and record events in log file Onboard program transmit debugging messages to base station, during ground tests Test flights

9 Current Status Electronic hardware has been ordered

10 Questions?

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