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Survey for Current Students in BMSC B.Sc. Programs ÉDV, SESD, 2015.

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1 Survey for Current Students in BMSC B.Sc. Programs ÉDV, SESD, 2015.

2 A. Methodology Survey administered between: Sept. 22 nd and October 6 th Total respondents: 322 Response rate: 49% Completion rate: 93%

3 B. Results 1. Demographics Q1. Prior to university, where did you attend school? 93% of respondents attended school in Canada; 7% attended school in a country outside Canada.

4 Q2. In what B.Sc. degree program are you currently enrolled? A majority of respondents (67%) are enrolled in the B.Sc. 4 year.

5 Q3. What is your specific program major? (If you are in a Double Honours program, please check any of the options below that apply (may choose more than one)) A majority of respondents (53%) are enrolled in the PHPY program major.

6 Q4. In what year of this program are you currently registered? 91% of respondents are second, third, or fourth-year students; only 6% of respondents are first-year students.

7 2. BMSC Core Courses Q5. Have you already completed at least four of the BMSC core courses? A majority of respondents (60%) already completed at least four of the BMSC core courses.

8 Q6. How satisfied are you with the breadth and depth of this group of BMSC core courses? 95% of respondents are very satisfied or satisfied with the breadth and depth of these core courses; 6% are dissatisfied or very dissatisfied.

9 Q7. After completing these courses, how prepared did you feel (do you feel) for the remaining courses of the B.Sc. curriculum? 90% of respondents felt/feel very prepared or prepared for the remaining courses of their curriculum; 9% felt/feel unprepared.

10 Q8. Do you have suggestions for improvement of the BMSC core courses? 80 comments were left. 8 particular themes emerged from the comments: Themes More lab time Grade repartition More practical/ hands on learning Professor s hard to understan d (language ) Improve organizati on of classes Add anatom y classes More online assignmen ts/ classes Overlap between courses Number of times appeared76544333 “Smaller classes marks should be distributed between more than 2 or 3 large tests, and should include assignments to apply concepts and quizzes every couple weeks to help students know if they know the right material. MORE HANDS ON WORK such as labs tests.”

11 3. Effectiveness of 10 forms of educational delivery Q9-19. Based on the various science courses that you have taken to date, how effective (useful) would you rate each of the following forms of educational delivery? Effectiveness LecturesLabsTutorialsSeminars Examinations (midterm or final) Term papers Written assignments Student oral presentations Research Project (senior year)Podcasts Very effective32% (94%) 31% (80%) 9%4%15%5%15%5%11%15% Effective62%49%35%17%60%19%44%18%13%20% Ineffective7%13%11%8%13%12%10%17%2%5% Very ineffective0%3% (16%) 3% 3% (16%) 3% 7% (24%) 1%2% Unable to judge0%4%43%68%8%61%28%52%72%58%

12 4. Satisfaction of 5 Student Support Services Q20-23. How satisfied are you with the following student support services? Satisfaction Availability of scholarships Student Advising by the College of Arts and Science Student Advising by your Department (ACB, BIOC, MCIM or PHPY) Support for admissions to your current program Availability of information regarding your specific program/major and the choice of courses available Very satisfied4%15%31%14% (69%) 28% (81%) Satisfied22%39%34%55%53% Dissatisfied41%19%12%10%12% Very dissatisfied18% (59%) 13% (32%) 4%3%6% (18%) Not applicable15%13%20%18%1%

13 5. Overall Satisfaction Q24. How satisfied are you with your overall B.Sc. program to date? 94% of respondents are very satisfied or satisfied of the overall B.Sc. Program to date; 6% said to be unsatisfied.

14 Crosstab: Satisfaction / Program Question Satisfaction level B.Sc. 3 year (19) B.Sc. 4 year (204) B.Sc. Honours (69) B.Sc. Double Honours (10) Other (please specify) (2)Total (304) Q24. How satisfied are you with your overall B.Sc. program to date? Very satisfied16% (100%) 15%35% (99%) 70%50%21% Satisfied84%78%64%20%50%73% Unsatisfied - 7%1%10% - 6% Very unsatisfied ------ Total100% 100.00%100%

15 Crosstab: Satisfaction / Program - Major Question Satisfaction levelACB (66)BIOC (46) Biochemistry & Biotechnology (8) BMII (3) MCIM (35) PHPY (156) Biomedical Science (Year 1/2 Core curriculum) (5) Total (319) Q24. How satisfied are you with your overall B.Sc. program to date? Very satisfied 26%37%25%0%14% (100%) 19%60% (100%) 23% Satisfied 71%54%63%100%86%73%40%71% Unsatisfied 3%9%13% -- 8% - 6% Very unsatisfied -------- Total 100%

16 Q25. Please comment on your satisfaction with your overall B.Sc. program to date: 219 comments left. Very positive comments: “I have enjoyed the biomedical science core classes I have taken so far. There seems to be a large overlap in information with the core classes though (…).” “It becomes more satisfying once you get into your major.”

17 Q26. In what ways could your student experience be improved? 211 comments left. 8 themes emerged from the comments: Themes Support/ tutoring/ advising Scholarshi ps/ financial support Grade distributi onHands on More labs More research Network/ meet other studentsOverlap Number of times appeared221712118552

18 6. Disciplinary Titles / Preferred College Q27. How important to you is your specific disciplinary title (ACB, PHPY, BIOC, MCIM, etc.) as opposed to a more general designation (such as Biomedical Sciences)? 73% of respondents think that their specific disciplinary title is very important or important.

19 Q28. If you had to choose between the following options, which one would you prefer? 84% of respondents would prefer a biomedical science degree from the College of Medicine.

20 Q29. Please explain your previous answer: 248 comments left. 3 themes have emerged from the comments: Themes Prestigious/impressive /credible/more weight/higher standard Relevant/specialized/ focused/more related/medicine based/integratedMore opportunities Number of times appeared26243

21 7. Further Education and Career Plans Q30. Do you plan to pursue further post-secondary education or training after completing your current B.Sc. degree? 88% of respondents plan to pursue further post-secondary education or training after completing your current B.Sc. Degree.

22 Q31. Which type of advanced training do you intend to pursue? 78% of respondents intend to pursue health science professional school.

23 Q32. What type of career/employment do you hope to pursue? 80% of respondents want to pursue a professional career in one of the health sciences.

24 8. Other comments Q33. Please type any additional comments that you would like to share: 48 comments left. Diverse comments: “I appreciate the opportunity to take health science related classes before being admitted into a professional health science college. This type of degree is very beneficial to students like me.” “Most scholarships require you to be PR or citizen to apply which is unfair. Add more scholarships for international students please.”

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