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Why The Church Will Not Fail Because it is established on the Word I Peter 1:23-25, I Timothy 3:15 Because it satisfies a constant need Romans.

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6 Why The Church Will Not Fail Because it is established on the Word I Peter 1:23-25, I Timothy 3:15 Because it satisfies a constant need Romans 3:9-18 What about a local congregation?

7 Why We Cannot Worry We are commanded not to worry Matthew 6:25-27 We are commanded not to forecast James 4:13-16

8 A Worldly Example

9 Occupying our minds with things we should NOT worry about prevents us from occupying our minds with the things to which we ought to pay attention

10 What Does Kill the Church If it is not dedicated to doctrinal purity Revelation 2-3 If it is not dedicated to personal work Love of brethren – I John 3:16-20 Love of the lost – Matthew 9:36-38


12 Exchanging of Currency




16 Hear the Word of God Romans 10:17 Believe in God Romans 10:10 Confess Christ as Lord Romans 10:9 Repent from sin Acts 2:38 Be Baptized into Christ Galatians 3:27 Added to the church Acts 2:42 Born again John 3:3 Secured in hope Hebrews 10:23 A Child of God Romans 8:16

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