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Limits Involving Trigonometric Functions

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1 Limits Involving Trigonometric Functions

2 All trigonometric functions are continuous a each point of their domains, which is R for the sine & cosine functions, R-{ π/2, - π/2, 3π/2, - 3π/2,…………} for the Tangent and the Secant functions and R-{0, π, - π, 3π, - 3π ,…………} for the Cotangent and the Cosecant functions. Thus: The the limit of sinx and cosx at any real number are sina and cosa respectively.

3 Important Identity

4 Examples (1)





9 Example (2) Solution f is continuous for all x other than zero. To check, whether it is continues, as well at x=0, we need to that its limit at x=0 is equal to f(0), which is given as zero.


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