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Oswego County New York. An Environmental Health Diagnosis By Patrick Murphy 3 rd Grade Tamarac Elementary.

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1 Oswego County New York

2 An Environmental Health Diagnosis By Patrick Murphy 3 rd Grade Tamarac Elementary

3 Abstract This report entails a look at New York’s Oswego County from an environmental perspective. The researcher gathered data and information from various sources and publications to draw conclusions about the county. The report focuses on key environmental issues and the major stakeholders in the county. After conclusions, the researcher made recommendations based on the findings to help better bring the county to a more sustainable future.

4 Maps Oswego In Relation to New York Oswego’s Watershed

5 Methods The rational surrounding this project follows that by assessing the county as a unit, better assessments and connections can be made than if the scope was larger or smaller. In addition, most administrative environmental law happens on the county level. The methods surrounding this evaluation required intensive research on online databases from government, third party, and county organizations.

6 About Eco Ed and Mentors Eco Ed Rensselaer’s EcoEd Research Group involves faculty and students in the development of delivery of creative and interdisciplinary environmental lessons and education to k-12 students. In the Secondary School Research Program, young students are assigned an RPI student mentor, and with them move through a nine-week exploration of a research topic, culminating in a substantial written report and formal oral presentation. Mentors Jordan Yamada is an undergraduate here are RPI and his major is electrical engineering. Originally from Honolulu, Hawaii and a Boy Scout he also cares a lot about the environment. One fun fact is that currently he is working on a hybrid racecar with RPI’s Formula Hybrid team.

7 Timeline County Timeline 9000 Years Ago -Formation of Lake Ontario 1600’s -Onondaga and Oneida tribes inhabited where Oswego County now resides March 1 st, 1816 -Early Oswego County History (Hope Farm Press, 1996) Early 1840’s -Fort Ontario State Historic Site Formed (New York State Office of Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation) February 2008 -Last date of Oswego’s Watershed Assessment June 12 th, 2011 -Oswego Museum Keeps Memory Alive October 31 st, 2013 -Planning for Next Flood Disaster

8 Background Briefly, an overview of Oswego County’s environment consists of mostly forests and marshlands. It is also adjacent to the great lakes, which creates a special ecological relationship between the county and the adjacent lake.

9 Watershed Health Watershed name: Oswego River and Finger Lakes What percentages of rivers have poor water quality? What percentages of lakes have poor water quality? Overall percentage with poor water quality? 5%12%17% What percentages of rivers have good water quality? What percentage of lakes has good water quality? Overall percentage with good water quality? 12%2%14% Challenges: -Legacy industrial discharges in Syracuse/Onondaga Lake Currently being remediated. -Municipal waste water and combined severe overflows in Syracuse and other urban areas -Agriculture and other Nonpoint sources of nutrients and various pollutants. (Department of Environmental Conservation)

10 Air Quality YOUR COUNTY: Oswego Unhealthy air days for general population in 2012. Unhealthy air days for people with asthma in 2012 Since 2003, has air quality for asthmatics improved or gotten worse? Oswego County01Better Rensselaer County00Better Essex County04Better New York County02Better Challenges: If there are fewer factories in the county, the air quality of the surrounding area or county might improve. (Environmental Protection Agency, 2014)

11 Energy Mix Oswego County Region 7 Type of Energy % of County Energy Composition Renewable32.5 Hydroelectric28.2 Nuclear28.9 Oil0.8 Gas22.2 Coal15.3

12 Recommendations In response to the challenges of habitat, I recommend that everyone have free solar panels to power their things. In addition, I would shut down any factories so there is not a lot of air pollution to make less global warming and make the world a better place. In response to the industrial problems that occur in Oswego, caused when people cut down trees that lead to greenhouse gases I proposed that when you cut down a tree, plant another tree. One solution to water and soil issues like acid rain is for people to shut down factories so the rain does not mix with polluted air. Then there would not be as much acid rain. This is a way to stop acid rain. In response to the challenges to energy, one solution is to shut down factories but not all, reducing energy needs. Another way to solve the second challenge is to stop using polluting energy and use clean energy. A way to fix the third challenge is to, try to and use more renewable energy. In response to waste problems, a use a waste-to-energy facility could be a solution. A waste-to-energy facility can reduce garbage in to ash, and by that process produce energy.

13 Industries The three top industries in Oswego country are educational services, health care, and retail trade. Education is important so that people can learn. Healthcare is important so many people can get better. Retail trade is important because it gets the people of Oswego County their goods. These are three industries in Oswego County but there are many more industries. Challenges for the educational services industry are paying for the teachers. Challenges for construction are that it causes nature and wildlife to lose their homes. Trees will be cut down and less CO 2 will be turn into clean air. A Challenge for retail trade is if people lose their jobs they cannot pay for what they need to buy.

14 Water and Soil The water resources in Oswego County are the great lakes and Oswego River. The great lakes cleanliness levels are completely poor but Oswego River meets a satisfactory standard. One of the challenges that must be dealt with Oswego County is acid rain. Acid rain is one of the challenges that Oswego County faces. Acid rain is when pollution in the air combines with rain water rainwater and falls to the ground. This causes harm to natural habitats by increasing acidity, which can harm animals and plants. This is one challenge in Oswego County.

15 Energy In Oswego County, coal is 15.3% of the energy used, 22.2% is gas,.08% is oil 28.9% is nuclear 28.2% is hydro and 4.3% is non-hydro renewables. These are the energy resources in Oswego County. Challenges that Oswego County faces are that not enough renewable energy is used. In addition, Oswego County does not use a lot of clean energy. Lastly, Oswego County uses mostly non- renewable energy. These are some energy challenges in Oswego County.

16 Waste The only facilities in Oswego County are transfer stations and recycling facilities. Recycling facilities help, recycle materials that otherwise would go to a landfill. A transfer station gets the solid waste ready to go to a landfill. These are the facilities in Oswego County. There is no down side to recycling, but there is to a transfer station because it is not sustainable. This is the challenge in Oswego County.

17 Habitats In Oswego County, there is grass. There are also trees, and waters in Battle Hill State Forest, and other forests. Another habitat is Deer Creek Marsh. It has wet lands that include open cattails and a bog. Deer Creek Marsh has an extensive barrier beach and sand dune system that separates and protects the marshland. One of the challenges of Battle Hill State Forest is forest fires. Due to drought and the combination of a lightning strike during the drought, there is a chance for a forest fire. People littering is another problem. The animals could eat the litter causing them to choke, and die. (Department of Environmental Conservation).

18 Sources Refer to Paper Bibliography

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