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Scale Analysis Lisa Borgerson Kanani Bowden Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife 28655 Hwy 34 Corvallis, OR 97333 (541)757-4263 x232.

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Presentation on theme: "Scale Analysis Lisa Borgerson Kanani Bowden Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife 28655 Hwy 34 Corvallis, OR 97333 (541)757-4263 x232."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scale Analysis Lisa Borgerson Kanani Bowden Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife 28655 Hwy 34 Corvallis, OR 97333 (541)757-4263 x232

2  Age and Growth  Hatchery vs Wild  Life History  Species ID What We Learn From Scale Analysis: For Project CROOS we determine TOTAL AGE only

3 Ocean Entrance Annulus 1 Annulus 2 Annulus 3

4 Accuracy of Scale Aging 2006 Scale Reading Age Known Age 345 32100 4060 50042007 Scale Reading Age Known Age 345 32010 41150 5004 Scale Reading Age Known Age 345 34110 41210 5008 97%

5 Age Composition of CROOS chinook by month, 2006 _______________________________________________________ Percentage of sample Number of MonthAge 2Age 3Age 4Age 5Age 6scales aged ______________________________________________________ June0.030.559.49.90.0 131 July0. 705 August0.043.851.74.00.5 201 September0.277.818.43.20.5 657 October0.077.918.03.50.6 316 Total0.,045 Coastal OR CHF SGS0.27.438.643.010.81,266

6 Age Composition of CROOS chinook by month, 2007 _______________________________________________________ Percentage of sample Number of Percentage of sample Number of Month Age 2 Age 3 Age 4 Age 5 Age 6 Age 7 scales aged _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ May--21.563.314.60.6--158 June--29.754.814.80.00.7155 July--56.334.78.80.2--579 August0.160.734.24.70.3--1,324 September-- October--35.432.327.74.6--65 Total0.0455.,456 ________________________________________________________

7 Age composition of Chinook salmon sampled by Area in 2007 ________________________________________________________________ Management Percentage at Age Number of Area 2 3 4 5 6 Scales Read ________________________________________________________________ N. Oregon Coast--33.9 42.5 20.9 2.4 292 S. Oregon Coast0.1 57.9 36.2 5.5 0.3 1,696 Klamath Mgt Zone--57.9 35.3 6.8 --468 Elk R. Bubble--23.353.518.64.6na Chetco R. Bubble--31.027.641.4--29 Total0.0454. na

8 ________________________________________________________________ Stock Percentage at Age Number of Stock Percentage at Age Number of Group 2 3 4 5 6 7 Scales Read Group 2 3 4 5 6 7 Scales Read________________________________________________________________ British Columbia/ SE Alaska--11.536.653.9-- --26 Washington-- Columbia River-- 34.342.422.60.7--137 Oregon Coast--38.445.115.11.4--708 California 0.163.632.83.30.2--1,632 Age composition of Chinook salmon stock groups sampled in the ocean troll fishery off Oregon in 2007 N OR Coast0.010.023.353.3 13.3-- 30 Mid OR Coast0.030.052.4 15.0 2.6--227 Rogue0.049.142.2 8.70.0--275 N CA/S OR0.037.5 43.8 18.70.0--176 California 0.1 63.6 32.8 3.30.2--1632 Klamath0.172.3 25.9 1,232 CA Coast0.049.2 40.4 184 Central Valley0.026.4 65.7 216

9 Comparison of contribution of Klamath stock (all ages) with Age-3 fish (all stocks) in Oregon Troll fishery, 2007 0 20 40 60 80 100 MayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctober Percent contribution NOC-KlNOC-age 3SOC-Kl SOC-age 3KMZ-KlKMZ-age 3

10 Comparison of contribution of Central Valley (all ages) with contribution of Age-4 fish (all stocks) in Oregon Troll Fishery, 2007 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 MayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctober Percent contribution NOC-CVNOC-age 4SOC-CV SOC-age 4KMZ-CVKMZ-age 4

11 Future Plans:  Continue to explore stock-age relationships  Determine if we can identify maturing and non maturing fish from their scales

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