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Fourth grade – Team Smith. Florida Hurricanes Texas Tornado New York Blizzard California FloodsCalifornia WildfiresThunderstorms Earthquakes Predict the.

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Presentation on theme: "Fourth grade – Team Smith. Florida Hurricanes Texas Tornado New York Blizzard California FloodsCalifornia WildfiresThunderstorms Earthquakes Predict the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fourth grade – Team Smith

2 Florida Hurricanes Texas Tornado New York Blizzard California FloodsCalifornia WildfiresThunderstorms Earthquakes Predict the weather! Your Hemisphere!

3 here! A hurricane is a huge storm! It can be up to 600 miles across and have strong winds at speeds of 75 to 200 mph. Learn more

4 here. Tornadoes can occur at any time of the year and no terrain is safe! Learn more about these violent, rotating columns of air by clicking

5 Learn more here! Strong winds Long-lasting snowfall Cold air

6 here FLASH FLOOD WARNING! Click to learn more.

7 here. Learn more about the quick spreading of ignited brush, trees and homes by clicking

8 here! Keep an eye on the sky. Look for darkening skies, flashes of lightning, or increasing winds. Learn more by clicking

9 here! Learn more about Earth’s shaking by clicking

10 Start predicting the weather by clicking here

11 Click here! What hemisphere is your city located?

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